
Story 32 - The Morals of Dervishes - gulistaan-e-sa.adii

Saadi Shirazi

Story 32 - The Morals of Dervishes - gulistaan-e-sa.adii

Saadi Shirazi

MORE BYSaadi Shirazi

    Having become tired of my friends in Damascus, I went into the desert of Jerusalem and associated with animals till the time when I became a prisoner of the Franks, who put me to work with infidels in digging the earth of a moat in Tarapolis, when one of the chiefs of Aleppo, with whom I had formerly been acquainted, recognized me and said: 'What state is this?' I recited:

    'I fled from men to mountain and desert

    Wishing to attend upon no one but God.

    Imagine what my state at present is

    When I must be satisfied in a stable of wretches.

    The feet in chains with friends

    Is better than to be with strangers in a garden.'

    He took pity on my state and ransomed me for ten dinars from the captivity of the Franks, taking me to Aleppo where he had a daughter and married me to her with a dowry of one hundred dinars. After some time had elapsed, she turned out to be ill-humoured, quarrelsome, disobedient, abusive in her tongue and embittering my life:

    A bad wife in a good man's house

    Is his hell in this world already.

    Alas for a bad consort, alas!

    Preserve us, O Lord from the punishment of fire.

    Once she lengthened her tongue of reproach and said: 'Art thou not the man whom my father purchased from the Franks for ten dinars?' I replied: 'Yes, he bought me for ten dinars and sold me into thy hands for one hundred dinars.'

    I heard that a sheep had by a great man

    Been rescued from the jaws and the power of a wolf.

    In the evening he stroked her throat with a knife

    Whereon the soul of the sheep complained thus:

    Thou hast snatched me away from the claws of a wolf,

    But at last I see thou art thyself a wolf.'

    Having become tired of my friends in Damascus, I went into the desert of Jerusalem and associated with animals till the time when I became a prisoner of the Franks, who put me to work with infidels in digging the earth of a moat in Tarapolis, when one of the chiefs of Aleppo, with whom I had formerly been acquainted, recognized me and said: 'What state is this?' I recited:

    'I fled from men to mountain and desert

    Wishing to attend upon no one but God.

    Imagine what my state at present is

    When I must be satisfied in a stable of wretches.

    The feet in chains with friends

    Is better than to be with strangers in a garden.'

    He took pity on my state and ransomed me for ten dinars from the captivity of the Franks, taking me to Aleppo where he had a daughter and married me to her with a dowry of one hundred dinars. After some time had elapsed, she turned out to be ill-humoured, quarrelsome, disobedient, abusive in her tongue and embittering my life:

    A bad wife in a good man's house

    Is his hell in this world already.

    Alas for a bad consort, alas!

    Preserve us, O Lord from the punishment of fire.

    Once she lengthened her tongue of reproach and said: 'Art thou not the man whom my father purchased from the Franks for ten dinars?' I replied: 'Yes, he bought me for ten dinars and sold me into thy hands for one hundred dinars.'

    I heard that a sheep had by a great man

    Been rescued from the jaws and the power of a wolf.

    In the evening he stroked her throat with a knife

    Whereon the soul of the sheep complained thus:

    Thou hast snatched me away from the claws of a wolf,

    But at last I see thou art thyself a wolf.'


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