Murshid-e-Yagana, Faiz Bakhsh-e-Zamana, Hazrat Syedna Faiz-ur-Rasool

Murshid-e-Yagana, Faiz Bakhsh-e-Zamana, Hazrat Syedna Faiz-ur-Rasool
Kaleem Athar
MORE BYKaleem Athar
Birth: Hazrat was born in 1317 AH (1900 AD).
Parents :
His father was Hazrat Syed Faiyazuddin and mother Hifazat Bibi. Hazrat was born of this couple, he grew up under his well qualified parents, they were fervent piety, dedicated to higher moral and spiritual values. They must have developed an other-worldly outlook and it must have run into the veins of their son.
As it is quoted in Fawaid-ul-Fawad ”a son is strongly influenced by the piety of his parents”
Services :
Hazrat Syed Faiz-ur-Rasool's performed religious activities for the upliftment of the society. He was loved by his disciple for being humble and kind to all.
He believed that ” Education Is The Only Tool To Lighten Up The Life From Darkness ”. He encouraged his disciple to acquire knowledge which can be useful in then daily lives.
His linage is traced back to Holy Prophet Muhammad through forty lines which are listed below :
Syed Faiz-ur-Rasool bin Faiyazuddin bin Alauddin bin Ghulam Muhiuddin bin Muhammad Bakhsh bin Muhammad Aazam bin Muhammad Jamaal bin Dayanat bin Hasan bin Noor Ahmad bin Abdul Majid bin Muhammad Ata bin Ummid bin Ali Sher bin Gul Muhammad bin Ahmad Jameel bin Shah Hussain bin Muhammad Behtar bin Muhammad Sajjan bin Gauhar Ali bin Mahr Qutub bin Muhammad bin Da’dan bin Muhammad Ubaid bin Nawab Ali bin Badia-Ali bin Muhammad Qasim bin Ghayasuddin bin Imamuddin bin Durre Shah bin Ali bin Jafar bin Hamza bin Hasan bin Muhammad Qasim bin Abdullah bin Imam Muhammad Baqar bin Imam Zain-ul-Aabidin bin Imam Hussain bin Maula Ali.
He Struggled a lot through his life However he pursued his studies with great equanimity of mind and purpose of becoming pronounced. He acquired knowledge from the great scholars of his time till the age of eighteen. During that era Lahore was the center of culture, Islamic Education, Mannerism and capital for scholars, Sufis, poets and literati. Maulana Tajuddin (R.A) belonged to the group of esteemed, eminent and high-ranked scholars. Also the classes of Maulana were known for the best Islamic theology and jurisprudence. He was the one who imparted knowledge of Islam to many students, among them Hazrat Syed Faiz-ur-Rasool was one of the best student of Madaris. Who graduated in Islamic education and become a renowned scholar and left Lahore for his spritual journey but he never forgot Maulana Tajuddin (R.A) and used to remember in his sayings.
Hazrat Faiz-ur-Rasool believes that “Knowledge is flower and implementation is it’s fragrance, so spread the knowledge through the fragrance of implementation. “
Spiritual History:
After the completion of his education he dedicated himself in the spiritual development. He servered in many Majalis of different spiritual leaders (Qutubs, Darwesh, Abdal, Sufis) of his era. Then he left for Ajmer Sharif, the famous shrine of Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti. After receiving divine signal (Ruhani Ishara) from Ata-e-Rasool. He was sent to a village known as Kalla, located in the district Vadodara, Gujarat.
At the time of his arrival, this village was drowning into the darkness, the faith of the villagers was weak and adapted all sorts of sins. But his presence became blessing for the every Indiviual.
Presently, this village is known for its spiritual, religious and educational institutes founded by his successor Hazrat Syed Mushtaq Ali Bawa.
His life was the mirror of the following hadith of Prophet Muhmmad أكمل المؤمنين إيماناً أحسنهم خلقاً
“The Most Perfect Man In His Faith Among Believers Is One Whose Behavior Is Most Excellent”
Hazrat Faiz-ur-Rasool Use To Say ”The behavior of impolite man is neither loved by Creator nor by Creation. ”His attributes are idolized by his every disciple because he was the man of honour, integrity, morality, humanity, equality and righteousness.
Predecessor :
As it is stated in Quran : ٱلرَّحْمَـٰنُ فَسْـَٔلْ بِهِ خَبِيراً
It means – Ask about him (Allah) one well informed (Waliullah).
Sufiyana Tafseer :- Allah Ka Pata Allah Walo'n Se Puchh (Be-khabar Uska Haal Nahi Jante)
So, one day he visited Sheikh Jamaluddin Taarik-e-Duniya (R.A). In the first meeting itself, Sheikh recognized his inner-self and eticalness. He made him his disciple (Successor) and gave him the Khilafat.
Hajj :
After getting the Khilafat, He went for Hajj. After coming back from Hajj he shifted towards more spiritual development and choose seclusion.
Spiritual Linage:
As with every other major Sufi order, the Hazrat Syed Faiz-ur-Rasool proposes an unbroken Silsila-e-Chisht, spiritual chain of Silsila-e-Chishtia going back to Prophet Muhammad through one of his Sahaba (companions), which in the Chishtia’s case is Ali (d. 661).His spiritual lineage is traditionally given as follows:
1) Prophet Muhammad
2) Hazrat Ali bin Abu Ṭalib (d. 661)
3) Hazrat Hasan Basri (d. 728)
4) Hazrat Abdul Wahid bin Zaid (d. 786)
5) Hazrat Fuzail ibn Ayaz (d. 803)
6) Hazrat Ibrahim ibn Adham (d. 783)
7) Hazrat Sadiduddin Huzaifa Al-Mar'ashi (d. 890)
8) Hazrat Aminuddin /Abu Hubaira Al-Basri (d. 900)
9) Khwaja Mimshad Uluvv Dinwari (d. 911)
10) Hazrat Abu Is'haq Shami (d. 941)
11) Hazrat Abu Aḥmad Abdal Chishti (d. 966)
12) Hazrat Abu Muḥammad Chishti (d. 1020)
13) Hazrat Abu Yusuf bin Sam'an (d. 1067)
14) Hazrat Maudood Chishti (d. 1133)
15) Hazrat Shareef Zandani (d. 1215)
16) Hazrat Usman Harooni (d. 1220)
17) Hazrat Moinuddin Chishti (Garib Nawaz) (d. 1236)
18) Haztar Qutbuddin Bakhtiar Kaki (d. 1235)
19) Hazrat Fariduddin Ganj Shakar (d. 1265)
20) Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya (d. 1325)
21) Hazrat Usman Serajuddin (d. 1357)
22) Hazrat Ala-ul-Haq Pandvi (d. 1398)
23) Hazrat Ashraf Jaha'ngir Samnani (d. 1386)
24) Hazrat Abdul Razzaq Noor-ul-Ain (d. 1467)
25) Hazrat Syed Hasan Qattal
26) Hazrat Tajuddin Awadhi
27) Hazrat Jafar Sahenshah
28) Hazrat Syed Chirag
29) Hazrat Mahmood Shams-ul-Haq
30) Hazrat Raju Qattal (d. 1681)
31) Hazrat Shah Fathullah
32) Hazrat Syed Murad
33) Hazrat Shah Bahauddin
34) Hazrat Syed Tawakkul
35) Hazrat Daood Ali
36) Hazrat Ashraf Sardar
37) Hazrat Ashraf Hussain
38) Hazrat Husain Ashraf
39) Hazrat Jamalullah Taarikudduniya
40) Hazrat Syed Faiz-ur-Rasul (d. 1982)
Death :
At the age of 82 on 1st Sha'ban 1402 AH ( 24 May. 1982 ). He met the maker and left this world.
Shrine / Tomb :
Today this beautiful shrine at Kalla Sharif with a huge dome has become his resting place and the Centre of attraction for his disciples. In front of his shrine there is Buland Gate.
Urs :
Here Urs is celebrated according to Hindi Calendar on 8th and 9th of Fagun every year, Notably on this days the Islamic dates are 21st and 22nd. The celebration on these particular days is done because the Yaum-e-Wesal of Hazrat Syed Faiz-ur-Rasool was on 21st of Islamic month Sha'ban.
Works Under The Khanqah-e-Faiz-ur-Rasool :
Today his family is working for the betterment of society in religious and educational sector.
(1) Faiz Charitable Trust :
(a) Sufi Saint Faiz Academy School (Guj)
(b) New Rays English Medium School
(c) Sufi-e-Millat Arabic Academy
(d) Sardar Hostel
(e) Orphanage (Yateem Khana)
(f) Eye Relief Camp
(g) Group Marriage
(h) Legal Clinic
(2) Faiz Young Circle Waqf Committee :
(a) Blood Donation Camp
(b) Medical Checkup Camp
(c) Tajalliyat-e-Haq (Monthly Magazine)
(d) G6 News You Tube Channel
(e) Help Of Poor Students
(f) Faiz Calendar
(g) Faiz Shadi Marriage Bureau
At Last, We all should remember Hazrat Faiz-ur-Rasul Markable Words:
“Self Correction Is The Most Difficult Work”
“Apni Islah Sabse Mushkil Kaam Hai”
Birth: Hazrat was born in 1317 AH (1900 AD).
Parents :
His father was Hazrat Syed Faiyazuddin and mother Hifazat Bibi. Hazrat was born of this couple, he grew up under his well qualified parents, they were fervent piety, dedicated to higher moral and spiritual values. They must have developed an other-worldly outlook and it must have run into the veins of their son.
As it is quoted in Fawaid-ul-Fawad ”a son is strongly influenced by the piety of his parents”
Services :
Hazrat Syed Faiz-ur-Rasool's performed religious activities for the upliftment of the society. He was loved by his disciple for being humble and kind to all.
He believed that ” Education Is The Only Tool To Lighten Up The Life From Darkness ”. He encouraged his disciple to acquire knowledge which can be useful in then daily lives.
His linage is traced back to Holy Prophet Muhammad through forty lines which are listed below :
Syed Faiz-ur-Rasool bin Faiyazuddin bin Alauddin bin Ghulam Muhiuddin bin Muhammad Bakhsh bin Muhammad Aazam bin Muhammad Jamaal bin Dayanat bin Hasan bin Noor Ahmad bin Abdul Majid bin Muhammad Ata bin Ummid bin Ali Sher bin Gul Muhammad bin Ahmad Jameel bin Shah Hussain bin Muhammad Behtar bin Muhammad Sajjan bin Gauhar Ali bin Mahr Qutub bin Muhammad bin Da’dan bin Muhammad Ubaid bin Nawab Ali bin Badia-Ali bin Muhammad Qasim bin Ghayasuddin bin Imamuddin bin Durre Shah bin Ali bin Jafar bin Hamza bin Hasan bin Muhammad Qasim bin Abdullah bin Imam Muhammad Baqar bin Imam Zain-ul-Aabidin bin Imam Hussain bin Maula Ali.
He Struggled a lot through his life However he pursued his studies with great equanimity of mind and purpose of becoming pronounced. He acquired knowledge from the great scholars of his time till the age of eighteen. During that era Lahore was the center of culture, Islamic Education, Mannerism and capital for scholars, Sufis, poets and literati. Maulana Tajuddin (R.A) belonged to the group of esteemed, eminent and high-ranked scholars. Also the classes of Maulana were known for the best Islamic theology and jurisprudence. He was the one who imparted knowledge of Islam to many students, among them Hazrat Syed Faiz-ur-Rasool was one of the best student of Madaris. Who graduated in Islamic education and become a renowned scholar and left Lahore for his spritual journey but he never forgot Maulana Tajuddin (R.A) and used to remember in his sayings.
Hazrat Faiz-ur-Rasool believes that “Knowledge is flower and implementation is it’s fragrance, so spread the knowledge through the fragrance of implementation. “
Spiritual History:
After the completion of his education he dedicated himself in the spiritual development. He servered in many Majalis of different spiritual leaders (Qutubs, Darwesh, Abdal, Sufis) of his era. Then he left for Ajmer Sharif, the famous shrine of Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti. After receiving divine signal (Ruhani Ishara) from Ata-e-Rasool. He was sent to a village known as Kalla, located in the district Vadodara, Gujarat.
At the time of his arrival, this village was drowning into the darkness, the faith of the villagers was weak and adapted all sorts of sins. But his presence became blessing for the every Indiviual.
Presently, this village is known for its spiritual, religious and educational institutes founded by his successor Hazrat Syed Mushtaq Ali Bawa.
His life was the mirror of the following hadith of Prophet Muhmmad أكمل المؤمنين إيماناً أحسنهم خلقاً
“The Most Perfect Man In His Faith Among Believers Is One Whose Behavior Is Most Excellent”
Hazrat Faiz-ur-Rasool Use To Say ”The behavior of impolite man is neither loved by Creator nor by Creation. ”His attributes are idolized by his every disciple because he was the man of honour, integrity, morality, humanity, equality and righteousness.
Predecessor :
As it is stated in Quran : ٱلرَّحْمَـٰنُ فَسْـَٔلْ بِهِ خَبِيراً
It means – Ask about him (Allah) one well informed (Waliullah).
Sufiyana Tafseer :- Allah Ka Pata Allah Walo'n Se Puchh (Be-khabar Uska Haal Nahi Jante)
So, one day he visited Sheikh Jamaluddin Taarik-e-Duniya (R.A). In the first meeting itself, Sheikh recognized his inner-self and eticalness. He made him his disciple (Successor) and gave him the Khilafat.
Hajj :
After getting the Khilafat, He went for Hajj. After coming back from Hajj he shifted towards more spiritual development and choose seclusion.
Spiritual Linage:
As with every other major Sufi order, the Hazrat Syed Faiz-ur-Rasool proposes an unbroken Silsila-e-Chisht, spiritual chain of Silsila-e-Chishtia going back to Prophet Muhammad through one of his Sahaba (companions), which in the Chishtia’s case is Ali (d. 661).His spiritual lineage is traditionally given as follows:
1) Prophet Muhammad
2) Hazrat Ali bin Abu Ṭalib (d. 661)
3) Hazrat Hasan Basri (d. 728)
4) Hazrat Abdul Wahid bin Zaid (d. 786)
5) Hazrat Fuzail ibn Ayaz (d. 803)
6) Hazrat Ibrahim ibn Adham (d. 783)
7) Hazrat Sadiduddin Huzaifa Al-Mar'ashi (d. 890)
8) Hazrat Aminuddin /Abu Hubaira Al-Basri (d. 900)
9) Khwaja Mimshad Uluvv Dinwari (d. 911)
10) Hazrat Abu Is'haq Shami (d. 941)
11) Hazrat Abu Aḥmad Abdal Chishti (d. 966)
12) Hazrat Abu Muḥammad Chishti (d. 1020)
13) Hazrat Abu Yusuf bin Sam'an (d. 1067)
14) Hazrat Maudood Chishti (d. 1133)
15) Hazrat Shareef Zandani (d. 1215)
16) Hazrat Usman Harooni (d. 1220)
17) Hazrat Moinuddin Chishti (Garib Nawaz) (d. 1236)
18) Haztar Qutbuddin Bakhtiar Kaki (d. 1235)
19) Hazrat Fariduddin Ganj Shakar (d. 1265)
20) Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya (d. 1325)
21) Hazrat Usman Serajuddin (d. 1357)
22) Hazrat Ala-ul-Haq Pandvi (d. 1398)
23) Hazrat Ashraf Jaha'ngir Samnani (d. 1386)
24) Hazrat Abdul Razzaq Noor-ul-Ain (d. 1467)
25) Hazrat Syed Hasan Qattal
26) Hazrat Tajuddin Awadhi
27) Hazrat Jafar Sahenshah
28) Hazrat Syed Chirag
29) Hazrat Mahmood Shams-ul-Haq
30) Hazrat Raju Qattal (d. 1681)
31) Hazrat Shah Fathullah
32) Hazrat Syed Murad
33) Hazrat Shah Bahauddin
34) Hazrat Syed Tawakkul
35) Hazrat Daood Ali
36) Hazrat Ashraf Sardar
37) Hazrat Ashraf Hussain
38) Hazrat Husain Ashraf
39) Hazrat Jamalullah Taarikudduniya
40) Hazrat Syed Faiz-ur-Rasul (d. 1982)
Death :
At the age of 82 on 1st Sha'ban 1402 AH ( 24 May. 1982 ). He met the maker and left this world.
Shrine / Tomb :
Today this beautiful shrine at Kalla Sharif with a huge dome has become his resting place and the Centre of attraction for his disciples. In front of his shrine there is Buland Gate.
Urs :
Here Urs is celebrated according to Hindi Calendar on 8th and 9th of Fagun every year, Notably on this days the Islamic dates are 21st and 22nd. The celebration on these particular days is done because the Yaum-e-Wesal of Hazrat Syed Faiz-ur-Rasool was on 21st of Islamic month Sha'ban.
Works Under The Khanqah-e-Faiz-ur-Rasool :
Today his family is working for the betterment of society in religious and educational sector.
(1) Faiz Charitable Trust :
(a) Sufi Saint Faiz Academy School (Guj)
(b) New Rays English Medium School
(c) Sufi-e-Millat Arabic Academy
(d) Sardar Hostel
(e) Orphanage (Yateem Khana)
(f) Eye Relief Camp
(g) Group Marriage
(h) Legal Clinic
(2) Faiz Young Circle Waqf Committee :
(a) Blood Donation Camp
(b) Medical Checkup Camp
(c) Tajalliyat-e-Haq (Monthly Magazine)
(d) G6 News You Tube Channel
(e) Help Of Poor Students
(f) Faiz Calendar
(g) Faiz Shadi Marriage Bureau
At Last, We all should remember Hazrat Faiz-ur-Rasul Markable Words:
“Self Correction Is The Most Difficult Work”
“Apni Islah Sabse Mushkil Kaam Hai”
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