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jab ahl-e-KHirad dair-o-haram DhunDh rahe the

Munshi Raziuddin Ahmad

jab ahl-e-KHirad dair-o-haram DhunDh rahe the

Munshi Raziuddin Ahmad

MORE BYMunshi Raziuddin Ahmad

    jab ahl-e-ḳhirad dair-o-haram DhūñDh rahe the

    dīvāne terā naqsh-e-qadam DhūñDh rahe the

    zāhid to 'ibādat bhram DhūñDh rahe the

    ik ham the terī chashm-e-karam DhūñDh rahe the

    mahshar meñ to maḳhlūq-e-davāñ sū-e-jināñ thī

    us vaqt bhī ham tum ko sanam DhūñDh rahe the

    nazroñ se nazar milte kuchh haal thā aisā

    dil aur jigar ḳhud ko baham DhūñDh rahe the

    ai husn-e-jahāñ soz-e-jahāñ dīd-e-jahāñ daad

    tashbīh terī ahl-e-qalam DhūñDh rahe the

    jab ahl-e-KHirad dair-o-haram DhunDh rahe the

    diwane tera naqsh-e-qadam DhunDh rahe the

    zahid to 'ibaadat ka bhram DhunDh rahe the

    ek hum the teri chashm-e-karam DhunDh rahe the

    mahshar mein to maKHluq-e-dawan su-e-jinan thi

    us waqt bhi hum tum ko sanam DhunDh rahe the

    nazron se nazar milte hi kuchh haal tha aisa

    dil aur jigar KHud ko baham DhunDh rahe the

    ai husn-e-jahan soz-e-jahan did-e-jahan dad

    tashbih teri ahl-e-qalam DhunDh rahe the

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