First Assembly (Khwan-Pur-Nemat)

First Assembly (Khwan-Pur-Nemat)
Sheikh Sharfuddin Yahya Maneri
MORE BYSheikh Sharfuddin Yahya Maneri
He (i.e. Zain) had the good fortune of kissing the ground. At that time, the Venerable Master-may God exalt him to great nearness-had been suffering from some debility in his blessed body for several days. He also had intermittent fever. Through the grace of God Most High he was restored to health. Ghalbak, the Afghan, came to enquire how he was. The Venerable Master graciously said: I was granted relief for several days, then I was once again stretched on my bed of pain.
Afterwards he added: Fever has a peculiar quality: it is no respecter of persons. Where does it come from? For several days I was overcome by it in order that I might realize what it is like. I did not realize I was going along well. A man is end- grossed in his own work and affairs when suddenly it breaks out. It lays him low, just like a chicken which is trussed and thrust into a hen-coop. The very same things happen to him.
Afterwards he said: A large number of renowned men even died of this affliction. The Apostle of God-may God's blessing and peace be upon him was suffering from fever when he died.
Later, he continued: It often results in death, and said: There is no fixed time for death. It either comes at this time or at some other time. When it comes, there is no delay or postponement. He illustrated this with an anecdote. One day, Solomon emerged from his cell and stood outside. All the devils were busily engaged in their allotted tasks. He noticed that the Angel of Death arrived at that moment with orders to the effect that he should take away his life. The Prophet Solomon said: 'May I have a short respite?
He replied: 'No.'
He continued: 'Not even time enough to go to the women's quarters and bid them farewell?
'May I sit down?
The prophet Solomon rested his blessed breast upon a staff and exclaimed, 'God is Great.' The Angel of Death carried away his blessed soul.
When the Venerable Master reached these words, he said: If the prophet Solomon received no respite, how can anybody else expect any? He continued: The prophet Solomon remain- ed in this state for a whole year while the devils went about their own tasks and were engrossed in their own affairs. They thought that the prophet Solomon was still alive. All of them, out of awe of him, remained busily engaged but said to one another: 'The prophet is spending a long time in worship.
The Helpless One (i.e. Zain) enquired: Weren't any of the bystanders or servants aware of this?
He replied: Well, no. Everybody thought that some divine revelation had been made manifest to the apostle of God and that he was engrossed in that. Afterwards white ants invaded the blessed staff, from the bottom to the middle. It was no longer able to bear the weight of his blessed breast. The staff snapped. He tumbled to the ground. At that moment it was learned what the real situation was. After that, all the devils dispersed and loudly proclaimed that the prophet Solomon was dead.
A discussion arose about those who were already in heaven. Who were they?
The Venerable Master said: There are three people bodily in heaven at the moment, two men and one woman. The first is the prophet Idris (Enoch); the second is the Beloved Carpenter (Jesus); but there is some disagreement as to who the woman is. Some say that it is Asiya, the wife of Pharaoh. Others have said that it is the Chaste Mary (mother of Jesus), but it is more correct to say that it is Asiya.
After that he said, in great astonishment: Glory be to God! To think that today, Pharaoh's wife is bodily in heaven!
What intellect or knowledge could reach this stage! So many thousands of prophets and saints have been reduced to dust while Pharaoh's wife has attained the distinction of being bodily in heaven.
A voice arose on all sides saying, O Sanai
In His school the sorrow of every trial is forgotten.
The Helpless One asked whether Asiya had any son or not.
The Venerable Master replied: No, Pharaoh did not even
have intercourse with her. God Most High preserved her in her virginal chastity. Whenever Pharaoh came for intercourse with her and thus fulfil his desire for her, God used to create a fairy that looked like her. Pharaoh used to think that he had achieve- ed his purpose concerning her. In this way, God preserved her chastity.
The Helpless One enquired how Asiya had died.
He replied: She was killed under torture inflicted upon her by Pharaoh. It happened in this way. Asiya had put her faith in Moses, but she kept her faith concealed. Pharaoh, however, had a sister who learnt of her conversion. She went into Pharaoh's presence and told him. Pharaoh went inside and sum- monad Asiya before him and asked whether she had put her faith in Moses. She did not conceal the fact but said, 'Yes.' Pharaoh said: 'Why have you embraced his faith? Don't you know about my punishments?
She replied: 'I know.'
He said: 'I shall punish you. She accepted the punishment, saying, 'Go ahead!'
Afterwards, Pharaoh brought before her goods and property, gold and silver, a kingdom and whatever might please her in order that she might turn back from her faith. Asiya accepted nothing, nor did she budge an inch from her position. At this stage, Pharaoh became desperate. He realized that she would not relent and understood quite well that she would not turn back. He had Asiya brought into the courtyard for punishment at high noon. She was tortured in this fashion: five nails were driven into her; one in her chest, two in her hands and two in her feet. He also had her trampled upon as she lay on her back
in the courtyard and the nails were being driven in further. In the midst of her torture, Asiya prayed thus: 'Master, prepare a home for me in Paradise!' There was an immediate response to her prayer. The fact that she is now bodily in heaven indicates this clearly. No harm or injury befell her on account of the blessing of the reply to her prayer. She is safely in heaven.
He added: The sages have said of Asiya's prayer that her request to be with God is of great significance. It contains a secret, but it is necessary to suffer much in order to understand what that secret is. Ain-ul-Qazaat has written somewhere: The secret of this request will be made manifest on the Day of Resurrection.
Afterwards the Venerable Master exclaimed: Glory be to God! What can be said about mystical knowledge and cons- Tancy! She was offered so many goods, properties, kingdoms, gold and silver, yet she did not deviate an inch. Man knows no limits. Something shines forth from the invisible world, yet how does this happen?
Your work is dangerous, yet I undertake it: play the man!
I'll either be put to shame on your account or lose my head.
Afterwards he opened his blessed lips and said: For the sake of His own mercy, God gives a special call to whomsoever He wants. He did not say, The one who is detached from the world'; nor 'the one who amends his behavior'; nor 'the one who prays'; nor 'the one who acts justly'; 'nor the one who struggles with his carnal soul'. No, He said, 'the one He wants'. Whatever He wants to happen is what takes place.
Later on, he added: On the Day of Resurrection, when the emboldened see such women and observe their wealth of soul and labors, what will they do for themselves? They will wonder a hundred thousand times what they should do with their beards, and where they should hide, and where they should take their shame.
Raise aloft a gem-studded cross, loudly proclaiming, 'infidelity!'
I abhor my Sufi garb and hanker for a sacred thread.
In gambling house and tavern corner,
I eagerly wager my carpet and sash.
The aforementioned Ghalbak said: It has been related that whoever engages in this enterprise without knowledge either becomes an infidel or, at the end of his days, goes mad and dies. How can this be, for there are so many people without know- ledge who have been engrossed in this work? Ultimately, every- thing was made manifest to them and they were numbered among the saints.
The Venerable Master replied: Those who, without know- ledge, have undertaken this work and become saints, first of all had knowledge infused into them. At that moment they were granted sainthood. God protect me from thinking that an ignorant man could become a saint! 'God has never made an ignorant man a saint.' The knowledge that was first infused into them was mystical knowledge. Knowledge of the Way was implanted within them without their having acquired it. This is, however, something special and is called a 'grace', while such a person is called a 'graced one'. Grace is a special mercy, and privileged ones are distinguished by means of it.
1. Anecdotes are used to illustrate some spiritual teaching. Their value depends on how effectively they communicate the teaching of the Master, not on their historicity.
2. Christians believe that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was assumed bodily into beaver (thus the Catholic and Orthodox belief). It is surprising to note Sharfuddin's preference, and the extraordinary narrative presented in Favour of his opinion.
3. The primacy of God's grace is a fundamental tenet of Sharfuddin's whole understanding of what the spiritual life is all about.
He (i.e. Zain) had the good fortune of kissing the ground. At that time, the Venerable Master-may God exalt him to great nearness-had been suffering from some debility in his blessed body for several days. He also had intermittent fever. Through the grace of God Most High he was restored to health. Ghalbak, the Afghan, came to enquire how he was. The Venerable Master graciously said: I was granted relief for several days, then I was once again stretched on my bed of pain.
Afterwards he added: Fever has a peculiar quality: it is no respecter of persons. Where does it come from? For several days I was overcome by it in order that I might realize what it is like. I did not realize I was going along well. A man is end- grossed in his own work and affairs when suddenly it breaks out. It lays him low, just like a chicken which is trussed and thrust into a hen-coop. The very same things happen to him.
Afterwards he said: A large number of renowned men even died of this affliction. The Apostle of God-may God's blessing and peace be upon him was suffering from fever when he died.
Later, he continued: It often results in death, and said: There is no fixed time for death. It either comes at this time or at some other time. When it comes, there is no delay or postponement. He illustrated this with an anecdote. One day, Solomon emerged from his cell and stood outside. All the devils were busily engaged in their allotted tasks. He noticed that the Angel of Death arrived at that moment with orders to the effect that he should take away his life. The Prophet Solomon said: 'May I have a short respite?
He replied: 'No.'
He continued: 'Not even time enough to go to the women's quarters and bid them farewell?
'May I sit down?
The prophet Solomon rested his blessed breast upon a staff and exclaimed, 'God is Great.' The Angel of Death carried away his blessed soul.
When the Venerable Master reached these words, he said: If the prophet Solomon received no respite, how can anybody else expect any? He continued: The prophet Solomon remain- ed in this state for a whole year while the devils went about their own tasks and were engrossed in their own affairs. They thought that the prophet Solomon was still alive. All of them, out of awe of him, remained busily engaged but said to one another: 'The prophet is spending a long time in worship.
The Helpless One (i.e. Zain) enquired: Weren't any of the bystanders or servants aware of this?
He replied: Well, no. Everybody thought that some divine revelation had been made manifest to the apostle of God and that he was engrossed in that. Afterwards white ants invaded the blessed staff, from the bottom to the middle. It was no longer able to bear the weight of his blessed breast. The staff snapped. He tumbled to the ground. At that moment it was learned what the real situation was. After that, all the devils dispersed and loudly proclaimed that the prophet Solomon was dead.
A discussion arose about those who were already in heaven. Who were they?
The Venerable Master said: There are three people bodily in heaven at the moment, two men and one woman. The first is the prophet Idris (Enoch); the second is the Beloved Carpenter (Jesus); but there is some disagreement as to who the woman is. Some say that it is Asiya, the wife of Pharaoh. Others have said that it is the Chaste Mary (mother of Jesus), but it is more correct to say that it is Asiya.
After that he said, in great astonishment: Glory be to God! To think that today, Pharaoh's wife is bodily in heaven!
What intellect or knowledge could reach this stage! So many thousands of prophets and saints have been reduced to dust while Pharaoh's wife has attained the distinction of being bodily in heaven.
A voice arose on all sides saying, O Sanai
In His school the sorrow of every trial is forgotten.
The Helpless One asked whether Asiya had any son or not.
The Venerable Master replied: No, Pharaoh did not even
have intercourse with her. God Most High preserved her in her virginal chastity. Whenever Pharaoh came for intercourse with her and thus fulfil his desire for her, God used to create a fairy that looked like her. Pharaoh used to think that he had achieve- ed his purpose concerning her. In this way, God preserved her chastity.
The Helpless One enquired how Asiya had died.
He replied: She was killed under torture inflicted upon her by Pharaoh. It happened in this way. Asiya had put her faith in Moses, but she kept her faith concealed. Pharaoh, however, had a sister who learnt of her conversion. She went into Pharaoh's presence and told him. Pharaoh went inside and sum- monad Asiya before him and asked whether she had put her faith in Moses. She did not conceal the fact but said, 'Yes.' Pharaoh said: 'Why have you embraced his faith? Don't you know about my punishments?
She replied: 'I know.'
He said: 'I shall punish you. She accepted the punishment, saying, 'Go ahead!'
Afterwards, Pharaoh brought before her goods and property, gold and silver, a kingdom and whatever might please her in order that she might turn back from her faith. Asiya accepted nothing, nor did she budge an inch from her position. At this stage, Pharaoh became desperate. He realized that she would not relent and understood quite well that she would not turn back. He had Asiya brought into the courtyard for punishment at high noon. She was tortured in this fashion: five nails were driven into her; one in her chest, two in her hands and two in her feet. He also had her trampled upon as she lay on her back
in the courtyard and the nails were being driven in further. In the midst of her torture, Asiya prayed thus: 'Master, prepare a home for me in Paradise!' There was an immediate response to her prayer. The fact that she is now bodily in heaven indicates this clearly. No harm or injury befell her on account of the blessing of the reply to her prayer. She is safely in heaven.
He added: The sages have said of Asiya's prayer that her request to be with God is of great significance. It contains a secret, but it is necessary to suffer much in order to understand what that secret is. Ain-ul-Qazaat has written somewhere: The secret of this request will be made manifest on the Day of Resurrection.
Afterwards the Venerable Master exclaimed: Glory be to God! What can be said about mystical knowledge and cons- Tancy! She was offered so many goods, properties, kingdoms, gold and silver, yet she did not deviate an inch. Man knows no limits. Something shines forth from the invisible world, yet how does this happen?
Your work is dangerous, yet I undertake it: play the man!
I'll either be put to shame on your account or lose my head.
Afterwards he opened his blessed lips and said: For the sake of His own mercy, God gives a special call to whomsoever He wants. He did not say, The one who is detached from the world'; nor 'the one who amends his behavior'; nor 'the one who prays'; nor 'the one who acts justly'; 'nor the one who struggles with his carnal soul'. No, He said, 'the one He wants'. Whatever He wants to happen is what takes place.
Later on, he added: On the Day of Resurrection, when the emboldened see such women and observe their wealth of soul and labors, what will they do for themselves? They will wonder a hundred thousand times what they should do with their beards, and where they should hide, and where they should take their shame.
Raise aloft a gem-studded cross, loudly proclaiming, 'infidelity!'
I abhor my Sufi garb and hanker for a sacred thread.
In gambling house and tavern corner,
I eagerly wager my carpet and sash.
The aforementioned Ghalbak said: It has been related that whoever engages in this enterprise without knowledge either becomes an infidel or, at the end of his days, goes mad and dies. How can this be, for there are so many people without know- ledge who have been engrossed in this work? Ultimately, every- thing was made manifest to them and they were numbered among the saints.
The Venerable Master replied: Those who, without know- ledge, have undertaken this work and become saints, first of all had knowledge infused into them. At that moment they were granted sainthood. God protect me from thinking that an ignorant man could become a saint! 'God has never made an ignorant man a saint.' The knowledge that was first infused into them was mystical knowledge. Knowledge of the Way was implanted within them without their having acquired it. This is, however, something special and is called a 'grace', while such a person is called a 'graced one'. Grace is a special mercy, and privileged ones are distinguished by means of it.
1. Anecdotes are used to illustrate some spiritual teaching. Their value depends on how effectively they communicate the teaching of the Master, not on their historicity.
2. Christians believe that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was assumed bodily into beaver (thus the Catholic and Orthodox belief). It is surprising to note Sharfuddin's preference, and the extraordinary narrative presented in Favour of his opinion.
3. The primacy of God's grace is a fundamental tenet of Sharfuddin's whole understanding of what the spiritual life is all about.
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