Twenty-Seventh Assembly (Khwan-Pur-Nemat)

Twenty-Seventh Assembly (Khwan-Pur-Nemat)
Sheikh Sharfuddin Yahya Maneri
MORE BYSheikh Sharfuddin Yahya Maneri
Sheikh Zada Uch¹ was present. He said: The Apostle is greater than all the other prophets. Hence what is the meaning of: 'O God, bless Muhammad as You have blessed Abraham! The comparison is made with Abraham. A comparison should be with someone superior. The Venerable Master said: The meaning is this: 'O God, bless Muhammad in his stage and degree to the extent that You blessed Abraham in his stage and degree.' The comparison is with the essence of compassion, not with the soul of the deceased. The intention is that, to the extent and degree that Abraham had been shown mercy, to the very same extent and degree Muhammad should also be granted mercy. Thus, there is no harm as far as excellence is concerned.
Sheikh Muizzuddin said: All the prophets were especially graced by the divine mercy. What is the point of the com- parison with Abraham? He replied: Because Abraham was the prophet who had attained the stage of friendship with God, while our prophet had attained that of love and, as far as meaning is concerned, friendship and love are one and the same. Hence the comparison is more apt with him than with others-though God knows best!
1. Uch is a town in modern Pakistan south-east of the confluence of the Sutlej and Chenab rivers.
2. i.e. God, the Merciful and Compassionate.
3. 'Dar Nafs-e-Rahmat ast na dar Nafs-e-Marbum'. The deceased' is Abraham.
4. Abraham is called 'Khalilullah - 'The Friend of God.
Sheikh Zada Uch¹ was present. He said: The Apostle is greater than all the other prophets. Hence what is the meaning of: 'O God, bless Muhammad as You have blessed Abraham! The comparison is made with Abraham. A comparison should be with someone superior. The Venerable Master said: The meaning is this: 'O God, bless Muhammad in his stage and degree to the extent that You blessed Abraham in his stage and degree.' The comparison is with the essence of compassion, not with the soul of the deceased. The intention is that, to the extent and degree that Abraham had been shown mercy, to the very same extent and degree Muhammad should also be granted mercy. Thus, there is no harm as far as excellence is concerned.
Sheikh Muizzuddin said: All the prophets were especially graced by the divine mercy. What is the point of the com- parison with Abraham? He replied: Because Abraham was the prophet who had attained the stage of friendship with God, while our prophet had attained that of love and, as far as meaning is concerned, friendship and love are one and the same. Hence the comparison is more apt with him than with others-though God knows best!
1. Uch is a town in modern Pakistan south-east of the confluence of the Sutlej and Chenab rivers.
2. i.e. God, the Merciful and Compassionate.
3. 'Dar Nafs-e-Rahmat ast na dar Nafs-e-Marbum'. The deceased' is Abraham.
4. Abraham is called 'Khalilullah - 'The Friend of God.
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