mathe manohar maur lasai
māthe manohar maur lasai
pahire hiya maiñ gahire guñjhārni
kunDal mañDit gol kapol
sudhā-sam bol bilol nihārni
sohti tayoñ kaTi piit paTī
man mohati mañd mahā pag dharni
sundar nand kumār ke uupar
vāriye koTik maar kumārni
mathe manohar maur lasai
pahire hiya main gahire gunjhaarni
kunDal manDit gol kapol
sudha-sam bol bilol nihaarni
sohti tayon kaTi pit paTi
man mohati mand maha pag dharni
sundar nand kumar ke upar
wariye koTik mar kumarni
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