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haidariyam qalandaram mastam

Lal Shahbaz Qalandar

haidariyam qalandaram mastam

Lal Shahbaz Qalandar

MORE BYLal Shahbaz Qalandar

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    منقبت در شان حضرت علی مرتضیٰ (نجف-عراق)

    haidariyam qalandaram mastam

    banda-e-murtaza 'alī hastam

    I am Haideri, a Qalandar, intoxicated in devotion; I am a servant of Hazrat Ali Murtaza.

    peshvā-e-tamām rindānam

    ki sag-e-kū-e-sher-e-yazdānam

    I am the leader of all saints, for I am the loyal dog at the threshold of the Lion of God.

    man baġhair az 'alī na-dānistam

    hu.val-'ālā hu.val-'alī guftam

    I recognize none but Hazrat Ali; he alone is supreme, he alone is exalted—that is all I proclaim.

    ġhair-e-haidar agar hamī daanī


    If you acknowledge or follow anyone other than Haider, then you are a disbeliever, a Jew, or a Christian (meaning that acknowledging him is integral to faith, and rejecting him negates it).

    shāhbāze fazā-e-lāhūtam

    mast-e-sahbā-e-murtazā hastam

    I am the falcon of the Lahuti (transcendental) realm, for I am intoxicated by the wine of Murtaza.

    haidariyam qalandaram mastam

    banda-e-murtaza 'ali hastam

    I am Haideri, a Qalandar, intoxicated in devotion; I am a servant of Hazrat Ali Murtaza.

    peshwa-e-tamam rindanam

    ki sag-e-ku-e-sher-e-yazdanam

    I am the leader of all saints, for I am the loyal dog at the threshold of the Lion of God.

    man baghair az 'ali na-danistam

    huwal-'ala huwal-'ali guftam

    I recognize none but Hazrat Ali; he alone is supreme, he alone is exalted—that is all I proclaim.

    ghair-e-haidar agar hami dani


    If you acknowledge or follow anyone other than Haider, then you are a disbeliever, a Jew, or a Christian (meaning that acknowledging him is integral to faith, and rejecting him negates it).

    shahbaze faza-e-lahutam

    mast-e-sahba-e-murtaza hastam

    I am the falcon of the Lahuti (transcendental) realm, for I am intoxicated by the wine of Murtaza.

    Source :
    • Book : Auliya-e-Kiraam aur Shora-e-Izaam Aastana-e-Maula Ali par (Pg. 176)

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