Showing search results for "hyperosmolar glycemic state"
Sufi Articles MATCHES FOR "hyperosmolar glycemic state"
Sufi Articles
Nizamuddin Auliya: The Darwesh of Love
Ghayaspur knew it was just a matter of time that the master would be reunited with
Meher Murshed
Sufi Articles
Nizamuddin Auliya to Amir Khusrau: I am weary of everyone, even myself, but never of you
Meher Murshed
Sufi Articles
Islamic Culture Journal
Sufi Articles
SARMAD: His Life And Quatrains - B.A. Hashmi
At last the die is cast and he sacrifices all that he possesses. He has undergone
Islamic Culture Journal
Sufi Articles
Rang De, Amir Khusrau’s ode to Nizamuddin Auliya, by Chand Tara Orchestra moves the heart
Meher Murshed
Sufi Articles
What is Sufism ? – Mir Valiuddin
“He is the First and the Last, the Outward and the Inward and He knows everything”
Islamic Culture Journal
Sufi Articles
Women’s voices in Bhakti Literature
In this unconscious state in her dreams, she saw Vithoba and accepted Tukaram as her Guru.
Rekha Pande
Sufi Articles
Chandar Bhan Brahman-Iqbal Husain
This verse is very significant. The poet was afraid of some punishment at the hands of
Sufinama Archive
Sufi Articles
A Brief History Of Khanqah Kazmia Qalandaria, Kakori Sharif
Late Junaid khairabadi sang it. Shah Mustafa Haidar Qalandar received the effect so quickly that he
Zunnoorain Haidar Alvi
Sufi Articles
Sufi practices as the cause of spiritual, mental and physical healing at Chishti shrines in India and Pakistan
We can say that ritual is an observance involving a number of activities that are achieved
Mazhar Farid Chishti
Sufi Articles
Mulla Nasruddin Modern Tales 7
The old man was performing his ablution near an almost frozen tap at a Sufi Dargah
Arun Prakash Ray
Sufi Articles
Hazrat Imam-e-Rabbani Sheikh Ahmad Farooqi Sirhindi
There is also a separate mausoleum of an exiled king of Kabul and Qandahar, Shah Zaman
Syed Yusuf Shahab
Sufi Articles
Kabir as Depicted in the Persian Sufistic and Historical Works- Dr. Qamaruddin
He saw the ways of both but showed no favour while denouncing religious dogmas and superstitions
Sufinama Archive
Sufi Articles
Mystics of the sayyid Lodi period (1414 AD. To 1526 AD. )- A.Halim
The Qalandaria Order.The name applies to an Order of faqirs and begging monks, who roam about