Story 8-the Rules for Conduct in Life- gulistaan-e-sa.adii

Story 8-the Rules for Conduct in Life- gulistaan-e-sa.adii
Saadi Shirazi
MORE BYSaadi Shirazi
A weak foe, who professes submission and shows friendship, has no other object than to become a strong enemy. It has been said that as the friendship of friends is unreliable, what trust can be put in the flattery of enemies?
Admonition 4
Who despises an insignificant enemy resembles him who is careless about fire.
Extinguish it today, while it may be quenched,
Because when fire is high, it burns the world.
Allow not the bow to be spanned
By a foe because an arrow may pierce.
Admonition 5
Speak so between two enemies that thou mayest not be put to shame if they become friends.
Between two men contention is like fire,
The ill-starred back-biter being the wood-carrier.
When both of them become friends again
He will among them be unhappy and ashamed.
To kindle fire between two men
Is not wise but is to burn oneself therein.
Converse in whispers with thy friends
Lest thy sanguinary foe may hear thee.
Take care of what thou sayest in front of a wall
Because an ear may be behind the wall.
Admonition 6
Whoever makes peace with the enemies of his friends greatly injures his friends.
Wash thy hands, O wise man, from a friend
Who is sitting together with thy foes.
Admonition 7
When thou art uncertain in transacting an affair, select that portion of it which will entail no danger to thee.
Speak not harshly to a man of gentle speech.
Seek not to fight with him who knocks at the door of peace.
Admonition 8
As long as an affair can be arranged with gold, it is not proper to endanger life.
When the hand is foiled in every stratagem
It is licit to put the hand to the sword.
Admonition 9
Do not pity the weakness of a foe because when he gains strength he will not spare thee.
Boast not of thy moustaches when thou seest thy foe is weak.
There is marrow in every bone, a man in every coat.
A weak foe, who professes submission and shows friendship, has no other object than to become a strong enemy. It has been said that as the friendship of friends is unreliable, what trust can be put in the flattery of enemies?
Admonition 4
Who despises an insignificant enemy resembles him who is careless about fire.
Extinguish it today, while it may be quenched,
Because when fire is high, it burns the world.
Allow not the bow to be spanned
By a foe because an arrow may pierce.
Admonition 5
Speak so between two enemies that thou mayest not be put to shame if they become friends.
Between two men contention is like fire,
The ill-starred back-biter being the wood-carrier.
When both of them become friends again
He will among them be unhappy and ashamed.
To kindle fire between two men
Is not wise but is to burn oneself therein.
Converse in whispers with thy friends
Lest thy sanguinary foe may hear thee.
Take care of what thou sayest in front of a wall
Because an ear may be behind the wall.
Admonition 6
Whoever makes peace with the enemies of his friends greatly injures his friends.
Wash thy hands, O wise man, from a friend
Who is sitting together with thy foes.
Admonition 7
When thou art uncertain in transacting an affair, select that portion of it which will entail no danger to thee.
Speak not harshly to a man of gentle speech.
Seek not to fight with him who knocks at the door of peace.
Admonition 8
As long as an affair can be arranged with gold, it is not proper to endanger life.
When the hand is foiled in every stratagem
It is licit to put the hand to the sword.
Admonition 9
Do not pity the weakness of a foe because when he gains strength he will not spare thee.
Boast not of thy moustaches when thou seest thy foe is weak.
There is marrow in every bone, a man in every coat.
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