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bayan-e-anki kushtan-o-zahr dadan-e-mard-e-zargar ba-ishaarat-e-ilahi bud na ba-hawa-e-nafs-o-tammul-e-fasid


bayan-e-anki kushtan-o-zahr dadan-e-mard-e-zargar ba-ishaarat-e-ilahi bud na ba-hawa-e-nafs-o-tammul-e-fasid



    Interesting Fact

    English Translation: Reynold. A. Nicholson

    bayān-e-āñkī kushtan-o-zahr dādan-e-mard-e-zargar ba-ishārat-e-ilāhī buud na ba-havā-e-nafs-o-ta.ammul-e-fāsid

    Setting forth how the slaying and poisoning of the goldsmith was (prompted) by Divine suggestion, not by sensual desire and wicked meditation.

    kushtan-e-īñ mard bar dast-e-hakīm

    ne pai-e-ummīd būd-o-ne za-bīm

    The slaying of that man by the hand of the

    physician was not (done) on account of hope or fear.

    uu na-kushtash az barā-e-tab'-e-shāh

    tā-nayāmad amar-o-ilhām-e-ilāh

    He did not slay him to humour the king,

    (he did not slay him) until the Divine command and inspiration came.

    aañ pisar kish ḳhizr ba-burīd halq

    sirr-e-āñ dar nayābad 'aam ḳhalq

    As for the boy whose throat was cut by Khadir,

    the vulgar do not comprehend the mystery thereof.

    āñ-ki az haq yābad uu vahy-o-javāb

    har che farmāyad buvad 'ain-e-savāb

    He that receives from God inspiration and answer (to his prayer),

    whatsoever he may command is the essence of right.

    āñ-ki jaañ baḳhshad agar ba-kushad ravāst

    nā.ebast-o-dast-e-.ū dast-e-kHudāst

    If one who bestows (spiritual) life should slay, it is allowable:

    he is the (Divine) vicegerent, and his hand is the hand of God.

    ham-chu ismā'īl peshash sar ba-neh

    shād-o-ḳhandāñ pesh-e-teġhash jaañ ba-deh

    ike Ismá‘íl (Ishmael), lay your head before him;

    gladly and laughingly give up your soul before his dagger,

    ba-mānad jaañt ḳhandāñ abad

    ham-chu jān-e-pāk-e-ahmad bā-ahad

    In order that your soul may remain laughing unto eternity,

    like the pure soul of Ahmad (Mohammed) with the One (God).

    'āshiqāñ jām-e-farah āñgah kashand

    ki ba-dast-e-kHesh ḳhūbāñ shaañ kashand

    Lovers drain the cup of (spiritual) life at the moment when

    the fair ones slay them with their own hand.

    shaah aañ ḳhuuñ az pai-e-shahvat na-kard

    rihā kun bad-gumānī-o-na-bard

    The king did not commit that bloodshed because of lust:

    cease from thinking evil and disputing.

    gumāñ burdī ki kard ālūdgī

    dar safā ġhish ke halad pālūdgī

    You thought that he committed a foul crime, (but) in (the state of)

    purity how should the sublimation leave (any) alloy (behind)?

    bahr-e-ānast iiñ riyāzat viiñ jafā

    bar aarad kuura az nuqra jafā

    The purpose of this (severe) discipline and this rough

    treatment is that the furnace may extract the dross from the silver.

    bahr-e-ānast imtihān-e-nek-o-bad

    tā-ba-joshad barsar aarad zar za-bad

    The testing of good and bad is in order that the

    gold may boil and bring the scum to the top.

    gar na-būde kārash ilhām-e-ilāh

    uu sage buude darānanda na shaah

    If his act were not the inspiration of God,

    he would have been a dog that rends (its prey), not a king.

    paak buud az shahvat-o-hirs-o-havā

    nek kard uu lek nek-e-badnumā

    He was unstained by lust and covetousness and passion:

    (what) he did (was) good, but good that wore the aspect of evil.

    gar ḳhizr dar bahr kashtī shikast

    sad durustī dar shikast-e-ḳhizr hast

    If Khadir stove the boat in the sea, (yet) in

    Khadir's staving there are a hundred rightnesses.

    vahm-e-mūsā bā-hama nūr-o-hunar

    shud azaañ mahjūb be-par ma-par

    The imagination of Moses, notwithstanding his (spiritual) illumination and excellence,

    was screened from (the comprehension of) that (act of Khadir). Do not thou fly without wings!

    aañ gul-e-surkHast ḳhūnash ma-ḳhvāñ

    mast-e-'aqlast uu majnūnash ma-ḳhvāñ

    That (deed of the king) is a red rose (worthy of praise); do not call it blood (murder).

    He is intoxicated with Reason; do not call him a madman.

    gar bude ḳhūn-e-musalmāñ kām-e-ū

    kāfiram gar burdame man nām-e-ū

    Had it been his desire to shed the blood of a Moslem,

    I am an infidel if I would have mentioned his name (with praise).

    ba-larzad arsh az madh-e-shaqī

    bad-gumāñ gardad za-mad.hash muttaqī

    The highest heaven trembles at praise of the wicked,

    and by praise of him the devout man is moved to think evil.

    shaah būd-o-shāh bas āgāh buud

    kHaas būd-o-kHāsa-e-allāh buud

    He was a king and a very heedful king;

    he was elect and the elect (favourite) of God.

    aañ kase kash chunīñ shāhe kushad

    sū-e-bakHt-o-behtarīñ jaahe kashad

    One who is slain by a king like this, he (the king)

    leads him to fortune and to the best (most honourable) estate.

    gar na-dīde sūd-e-ū dar qahr-e-ū

    ke shude aañ lutf-e-mutlaq qahr

    Unless he (the king) had seen advantage to him (the goldsmith) in doing violence to him,

    how should that absolute Mercy have sought to do violence?

    ba-che larzad azaañ nesh-e-hajjām

    mādar-e-mushfiq darāñ ġham shaad kaam

    The child trembles at the barber's scalpel

    (but) the fond mother is happy at that moment.

    nīm-jāñ bastānad-o-sad jaañ dehad

    āñ-ki dar vahmat na-yāyad aañ dehad

    He takes half a life and gives a hundred lives (in exchange):

    he gives that which enters not into your imagination.

    qiyās az ḳhvesh gīrī-o-lek

    dūr-dūr uftāda-e-ba-nigar nek

    You are judging (his actions) from (the analogy of) yourself,

    but you have fallen far, far (away from the truth). Consider well!

    bayan-e-anki kushtan-o-zahr dadan-e-mard-e-zargar ba-ishaarat-e-ilahi bud na ba-hawa-e-nafs-o-tammul-e-fasid

    Setting forth how the slaying and poisoning of the goldsmith was (prompted) by Divine suggestion, not by sensual desire and wicked meditation.

    kushtan-e-in mard bar dast-e-hakim

    ne pai-e-ummid bud-o-ne za-bim

    The slaying of that man by the hand of the

    physician was not (done) on account of hope or fear.

    u na-kushtash az bara-e-tab'-e-shah

    ta-nayamad amar-o-ilham-e-ilah

    He did not slay him to humour the king,

    (he did not slay him) until the Divine command and inspiration came.

    aan pisar ra kish KHizr ba-burid halq

    sirr-e-an ra dar nayabad 'am KHalq

    As for the boy whose throat was cut by Khadir,

    the vulgar do not comprehend the mystery thereof.

    aan-ki az haq yabad u wahy-o-jawab

    har che farmayad buwad 'ain-e-sawab

    He that receives from God inspiration and answer (to his prayer),

    whatsoever he may command is the essence of right.

    aan-ki jaan baKHshad agar ba-kushad rawast

    naebast-o-dast-e-u dast-e-kHudast

    If one who bestows (spiritual) life should slay, it is allowable:

    he is the (Divine) vicegerent, and his hand is the hand of God.

    ham-chu isma'il peshash sar ba-neh

    shad-o-KHandan pesh-e-teghash jaan ba-deh

    ike Ismá‘íl (Ishmael), lay your head before him;

    gladly and laughingly give up your soul before his dagger,

    ta ba-manad jaant KHandan ta abad

    ham-chu jaan-e-pak-e-ahmad ba-ahad

    In order that your soul may remain laughing unto eternity,

    like the pure soul of Ahmad (Mohammed) with the One (God).

    'ashiqan jam-e-farah aangah kashand

    ki ba-dast-e-kHesh KHuban shan kashand

    Lovers drain the cup of (spiritual) life at the moment when

    the fair ones slay them with their own hand.

    shah aan KHun az pai-e-shahwat na-kard

    tu riha kun bad-gumani-o-na-bard

    The king did not commit that bloodshed because of lust:

    cease from thinking evil and disputing.

    tu guman burdi ki kard aaludgi

    dar safa ghish ke halad paludgi

    You thought that he committed a foul crime, (but) in (the state of)

    purity how should the sublimation leave (any) alloy (behind)?

    bahr-e-anast in riyazat win jafa

    ta bar aarad kura az nuqra jafa

    The purpose of this (severe) discipline and this rough

    treatment is that the furnace may extract the dross from the silver.

    bahr-e-anast imtihan-e-nek-o-bad

    ta-ba-joshad barsar aarad zar za-bad

    The testing of good and bad is in order that the

    gold may boil and bring the scum to the top.

    gar na-bude karash ilham-e-ilah

    u sage bude darananda na shah

    If his act were not the inspiration of God,

    he would have been a dog that rends (its prey), not a king.

    pak bud az shahwat-o-hirs-o-hawa

    nek kard u lek nek-e-badnuma

    He was unstained by lust and covetousness and passion:

    (what) he did (was) good, but good that wore the aspect of evil.

    gar KHizr dar bahr kashti ra shikast

    sad durusti dar shikast-e-KHizr hast

    If Khadir stove the boat in the sea, (yet) in

    Khadir's staving there are a hundred rightnesses.

    wahm-e-musa ba-hama nur-o-hunar

    shud azan mahjub tu be-par ma-par

    The imagination of Moses, notwithstanding his (spiritual) illumination and excellence,

    was screened from (the comprehension of) that (act of Khadir). Do not thou fly without wings!

    aan gul-e-surkHast tu KHunash ma-KHwan

    mast-e-'aqlast u tu majnunash ma-KHwan

    That (deed of the king) is a red rose (worthy of praise); do not call it blood (murder).

    He is intoxicated with Reason; do not call him a madman.

    gar bude KHun-e-musalman kaam-e-u

    kafiram gar burdame man nam-e-u

    Had it been his desire to shed the blood of a Moslem,

    I am an infidel if I would have mentioned his name (with praise).

    mi ba-larzad arsh az madh-e-shaqi

    bad-guman gardad za-madhash muttaqi

    The highest heaven trembles at praise of the wicked,

    and by praise of him the devout man is moved to think evil.

    shah bud-o-shah bas aagah bud

    kHas bud-o-kHasa-e-allah bud

    He was a king and a very heedful king;

    he was elect and the elect (favourite) of God.

    aan kase ra kash chunin shahe kushad

    su-e-bakHt-o-behtarin jahe kashad

    One who is slain by a king like this, he (the king)

    leads him to fortune and to the best (most honourable) estate.

    gar na-dide sud-e-u dar qahr-e-u

    ke shude aan lutf-e-mutlaq qahr ju

    Unless he (the king) had seen advantage to him (the goldsmith) in doing violence to him,

    how should that absolute Mercy have sought to do violence?

    ba-che mi larzad azan nesh-e-hajjam

    madar-e-mushfiq daran gham shad kaam

    The child trembles at the barber's scalpel

    (but) the fond mother is happy at that moment.

    nim-jaan bastanad-o-sad jaan dehad

    aan-ki dar wahmat na-yayad aan dehad

    He takes half a life and gives a hundred lives (in exchange):

    he gives that which enters not into your imagination.

    tu qiyas az KHwesh mi giri-o-lek

    dur-dur uftada-e-ba-nigar tu nek

    You are judging (his actions) from (the analogy of) yourself,

    but you have fallen far, far (away from the truth). Consider well!


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