chun ba-kHumar mi-rasi rah-e-sharab-e-KHana-zan

chun ba-kHumar mi-rasi rah-e-sharab-e-KHana-zan
Abdul Majeed Salik
MORE BYAbdul Majeed Salik
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chuuñ ba-kHumār mī-rasī rāh-e-sharāb-e-ḳhāna-zan
bāda-kash ġhazal-sarā na'ara-e-'āshiqān-zan
Since you are feeling intoxicated, head towards the wine bar.
Drink wine, recite poetry, and chant romantic slogans.
vāla-e-zāhidāñ ma-shau dar pa.e sūfiyāñ marau
bā-man-e-boriyā-nashīñ jām-e-mai muġhāna-zan
Do not associate with ascetics, and do not go to the Sufis either. Instead, sit with me on the tavern's doorstep and drink from the wine bearer's cup.
bāda-kHush-o-nigār kHush-kHanda-e-kām-gār ḳhush
laik-e-havas chu sarkashad kHez-o-mujāhidana-zan
Wine is good, the beloved is good, and the laughter of the fortunate is melodious. But when desires and aspirations increase, rise like warriors.
bulbul-e-be-navā biyā girya ze-barq-e-tā-kujā
ze-ātish-e-dil shārara-e-gīr-o-dar āshiyāna-zan
O raw, silent nightingale, come here, for how long will you lament for the celestial lightning? The abode of your heart is burning from the flames of desire.
jaan ahl-e-fasurda shud rūh-e-hayāt murda shud
bā-zebā-o-nāvik ġhamza-e-jāvidāna-zan
Life has become gloomy and the zest for living has faded away. Rise up and move forward with your constant smile.
chun ba-kHumar mi-rasi rah-e-sharab-e-KHana-zan
baada-kash ghazal-sara na'ara-e-'ashiqan-zan
Since you are feeling intoxicated, head towards the wine bar.
Drink wine, recite poetry, and chant romantic slogans.
wala-e-zahidan ma-shau dar pae sufiyan marau
ba-man-e-boriya-nashin jam-e-mai mughana-zan
Do not associate with ascetics, and do not go to the Sufis either. Instead, sit with me on the tavern's doorstep and drink from the wine bearer's cup.
baada-kHush-o-nigar kHush-kHanda-e-kaam-gar KHush
laik-e-hawas chu sarkashad kHez-o-mujahidana-zan
Wine is good, the beloved is good, and the laughter of the fortunate is melodious. But when desires and aspirations increase, rise like warriors.
bulbul-e-be-nawa biya girya ze-barq-e-ta-kuja
ze-atish-e-dil shaarara-e-gir-o-dar aashiyana-zan
O raw, silent nightingale, come here, for how long will you lament for the celestial lightning? The abode of your heart is burning from the flames of desire.
jaan ahl-e-fasurda shud ruh-e-hayat murda shud
ba-zeba-o-nawik ghamza-e-jawidana-zan
Life has become gloomy and the zest for living has faded away. Rise up and move forward with your constant smile.
- Book : Nairang-e-Khayaal (Eid Number) (Pg. 90)
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