Ibrahim Khawas
Sufi Quotes 12

Excess of knowledge does not make one great scholar, rather Savant is that who acting on his knowledge adheres to Sunna may amount of his knowledge be little.
Excess of knowledge does not make one great scholar, rather Savant is that who acting on his knowledge adheres to Sunna may amount of his knowledge be little.

He said during travel Khidr met me and sought my company and I was afraid lest my trust in God might be corrupted by my staying with him. So, I parted from him.
He said during travel Khidr met me and sought my company and I was afraid lest my trust in God might be corrupted by my staying with him. So, I parted from him.

When asked by Hallaj what did you attain during your journeys and crossings of the deserts? He answered: “I remained in a state of trust in God, curing myself thereby.” Mansur retorted: “You have annihilated your lifetime in the cultivation of your inner being, but what about annihilation (of the self) in the Oneness of God.?”
When asked by Hallaj what did you attain during your journeys and crossings of the deserts? He answered: “I remained in a state of trust in God, curing myself thereby.” Mansur retorted: “You have annihilated your lifetime in the cultivation of your inner being, but what about annihilation (of the self) in the Oneness of God.?”