Sufi Quotes of Sahl bin Abdullah Tustari

There are three modes of theophany (Rajalli); theophany of the Divine Essence (Tajalli dhat) which is unveiling (Mukashafa), theophany of Divine decree (Tajalli Hukm ad-dhat) which is life in the world to come,
There are three modes of theophany (Rajalli); theophany of the Divine Essence (Tajalli dhat) which is unveiling (Mukashafa), theophany of Divine decree (Tajalli Hukm ad-dhat) which is life in the world to come,

When God created the world, He placed sin and ignorance within satisfaction of the appetite and knowledge and wisdom within hunger. When Sahl hungered, he was powerful, and whenever he ate, he became weak.
When God created the world, He placed sin and ignorance within satisfaction of the appetite and knowledge and wisdom within hunger. When Sahl hungered, he was powerful, and whenever he ate, he became weak.

Not a day passes but that the Exalted cries out; “O My servant, you treat me unjustly. I remember you, but you forget Me. I invite you to Myself, but you go to other. I take away afflictions from you, but you continue to sin. O son of Adam, what will you have to say on the morrow when you meet Me?”
Not a day passes but that the Exalted cries out; “O My servant, you treat me unjustly. I remember you, but you forget Me. I invite you to Myself, but you go to other. I take away afflictions from you, but you continue to sin. O son of Adam, what will you have to say on the morrow when you meet Me?”

The first station of trust in God is that the servant be between the hands of God exactly as the dead body is between the hands of the one who washes the dead.
The first station of trust in God is that the servant be between the hands of God exactly as the dead body is between the hands of the one who washes the dead.

A man came to Sahl and told him; “A robber broke into my house and stole my belongings!” Sahl said! “Give thanks to God, if a robber had entered your heart and corrupted your belief in God’s Oneness, then what would you do?
A man came to Sahl and told him; “A robber broke into my house and stole my belongings!” Sahl said! “Give thanks to God, if a robber had entered your heart and corrupted your belief in God’s Oneness, then what would you do?

The eye by which you see the truth, the ear by which you hear the truth, are the tongue by which you proclaim the truth-are ail the secret of the soul.
The eye by which you see the truth, the ear by which you hear the truth, are the tongue by which you proclaim the truth-are ail the secret of the soul.

The gnosis (Marifat) is not only an act of intuitive perception and mystical knowledge, but also the recognition and confession on the past of man of his fundamental state as a creature before God’s sovereignty.
The gnosis (Marifat) is not only an act of intuitive perception and mystical knowledge, but also the recognition and confession on the past of man of his fundamental state as a creature before God’s sovereignty.

Knowledge is established by gnosis, and the intellect is established by knowledge, but as for noses, it is established by its own essence.
Knowledge is established by gnosis, and the intellect is established by knowledge, but as for noses, it is established by its own essence.

Love consists in embracing acts of obedience and in avoiding acts of disobedience which implies that the devotee of God develops his kinship with God as he merges his will in His will and avoids that which is forbidden by Him.
Love consists in embracing acts of obedience and in avoiding acts of disobedience which implies that the devotee of God develops his kinship with God as he merges his will in His will and avoids that which is forbidden by Him.

Tasawwuf is to eat little and to take rest with God, and to flee from men.
Tasawwuf is to eat little and to take rest with God, and to flee from men.

Know that God has a trust in your hearing, your sight, your tongue, your private parts and in your outward and inward being. He put it before you; if you do not guard it, you are treacherous, but God does not love those who are treacherous.
Know that God has a trust in your hearing, your sight, your tongue, your private parts and in your outward and inward being. He put it before you; if you do not guard it, you are treacherous, but God does not love those who are treacherous.

Five things express the beauty of a being: when the poor appear rich; when the hungry appear satisfied: when those with heavy hearts appear Joyful; when love is shown to an enemy, when feebleness does not appear despite fasting the whole day and praying the whole night.
Five things express the beauty of a being: when the poor appear rich; when the hungry appear satisfied: when those with heavy hearts appear Joyful; when love is shown to an enemy, when feebleness does not appear despite fasting the whole day and praying the whole night.

The saint’s actions are Perpetually in accord with the-divine law.
The saint’s actions are Perpetually in accord with the-divine law.

It is illicit for the heart to smell! the scent of certainty while contentment with other-than-God dwells therein.
It is illicit for the heart to smell! the scent of certainty while contentment with other-than-God dwells therein.

If a man closes his eyes to God but the twinkling of an eye, he will not be guided for, the length of his life. He also said: “God did not strengthen the pious through compulsion, He strengthened them through faith.”
If a man closes his eyes to God but the twinkling of an eye, he will not be guided for, the length of his life. He also said: “God did not strengthen the pious through compulsion, He strengthened them through faith.”

Certainty comes from an abundance of faith and its inward realization. Certainty is a branch of faith and short of confirming the trust of faith. And the beginning of certainty is unveiling.
Certainty comes from an abundance of faith and its inward realization. Certainty is a branch of faith and short of confirming the trust of faith. And the beginning of certainty is unveiling.

He who subdues his soul with correct behavior worships God sincerely.
He who subdues his soul with correct behavior worships God sincerely.

The utmost degree of gnosis is dismay and perplexity.
The utmost degree of gnosis is dismay and perplexity.

There are three kinds of if: Ilm from God which is the science of law, Ilm with God which is the science of Sufi states and if of God which is the knowledge of His Attributes and Qualities
There are three kinds of if: Ilm from God which is the science of law, Ilm with God which is the science of Sufi states and if of God which is the knowledge of His Attributes and Qualities

The carnal self (ego) is the real cause of evil and the worst enemy of the seeker of God. Thus, self-mortification is indispensable for the attainment of spiritual discipline.
The carnal self (ego) is the real cause of evil and the worst enemy of the seeker of God. Thus, self-mortification is indispensable for the attainment of spiritual discipline.

There is no worship of God like that of opposing the soul and passion.
There is no worship of God like that of opposing the soul and passion.

Someone asked about good conduct of Sufis. He replied: ‘Its minimal requirements were to suffer evil with forbearance, to abstain from retribution, and to have compassion for him who wrongs you. It is these qualities which are characteristic of the Sufis and not what is said and committed by the simulators; their Perverted claims are denounced.
Someone asked about good conduct of Sufis. He replied: ‘Its minimal requirements were to suffer evil with forbearance, to abstain from retribution, and to have compassion for him who wrongs you. It is these qualities which are characteristic of the Sufis and not what is said and committed by the simulators; their Perverted claims are denounced.

Devotion is not sound for anyone until he feels no concern for four things: hunger, nakedness, poverty and disgrace.
Devotion is not sound for anyone until he feels no concern for four things: hunger, nakedness, poverty and disgrace.

Retreat is only sound by eating licit foods, and eating licit foods in only sound by discharging what is due toward God.
Retreat is only sound by eating licit foods, and eating licit foods in only sound by discharging what is due toward God.

Mystic man, in mystical introspection re-actualizes this secret as the secret of Divine Lordship enshrined in his inmost being since the Day of covenant. (Aalst)
Mystic man, in mystical introspection re-actualizes this secret as the secret of Divine Lordship enshrined in his inmost being since the Day of covenant. (Aalst)

The Sufi is he who would not object if his blood were shed and his property taken.
The Sufi is he who would not object if his blood were shed and his property taken.

The mystic path is to be covered through the stations of turning towards God, repentance, forgiveness of sins, loveliness, steadfastness, meditation, gnosis, spiritual discourse and intimacy with God.
The mystic path is to be covered through the stations of turning towards God, repentance, forgiveness of sins, loveliness, steadfastness, meditation, gnosis, spiritual discourse and intimacy with God.

He was asked: “When is the dervish saved from his ego?” He answered, “When he will not allow his ego to concern itself with any other time but the moment within which he is. That is when the Sufi will find peace.”
He was asked: “When is the dervish saved from his ego?” He answered, “When he will not allow his ego to concern itself with any other time but the moment within which he is. That is when the Sufi will find peace.”
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