Syed Fazaluddin Gilani Batalavi
Sufi Quotes 13

It is indispensable for the Shaikh to be aware of the inner state of his disciple every moment and nothing should be out of his knowledge. And if the disciple claims something marvellous of his Shaikh, he should reach to help him instantly.
It is indispensable for the Shaikh to be aware of the inner state of his disciple every moment and nothing should be out of his knowledge. And if the disciple claims something marvellous of his Shaikh, he should reach to help him instantly.

The Divine mysteries which are revealed to me, more often descended on me after chanting litanies (awrad) and recitation of the holy Quran. Sometimes these were also revealed to me during obligatory prayers. And there are a few which were revealed in some other times. But all were bestowed unto me in rapturous state.
The Divine mysteries which are revealed to me, more often descended on me after chanting litanies (awrad) and recitation of the holy Quran. Sometimes these were also revealed to me during obligatory prayers. And there are a few which were revealed in some other times. But all were bestowed unto me in rapturous state.

We believe that karmat of auliya Allah are true in their worldly life and after death. These are wrought even after their departure to celestial abode. These are never ceased. Those who deny them might invite wrath of God. May God save us.
We believe that karmat of auliya Allah are true in their worldly life and after death. These are wrought even after their departure to celestial abode. These are never ceased. Those who deny them might invite wrath of God. May God save us.

Whatever I write, all pertain to the oceans of knowledge of the great Shaikh i,e. Syed Abdul Qadir Jilani, but I write only that which is allowed to me to expose,
Whatever I write, all pertain to the oceans of knowledge of the great Shaikh i,e. Syed Abdul Qadir Jilani, but I write only that which is allowed to me to expose,