Sufi Quotes of Zunnoon Misri

He who proclaims he has seen God has never seen Him. He who has seen Him turns silent.
He who proclaims he has seen God has never seen Him. He who has seen Him turns silent.

For everyone there is a certain form of punishment, and the punishment of the gnostic is being cut off from His remembrance.
For everyone there is a certain form of punishment, and the punishment of the gnostic is being cut off from His remembrance.

When asked who is the best protector of his heart? He answered: “The one who is most in possession of his tongue.
When asked who is the best protector of his heart? He answered: “The one who is most in possession of his tongue.

Repent not for the past, nor worry for the future. Make most of the present (living in the remembrance of the Lord).
Repent not for the past, nor worry for the future. Make most of the present (living in the remembrance of the Lord).

Whoever looks for the faults of others in blind to his own faults. Whoever look for his own faults cannot see the faults of others.
Whoever looks for the faults of others in blind to his own faults. Whoever look for his own faults cannot see the faults of others.

I know my Lord by my Lord. If it were not for my Lord, I would not know my Lord,
I know my Lord by my Lord. If it were not for my Lord, I would not know my Lord,

The ones who know God, the most are those whose bewilderment consuming Him is greatest.
The ones who know God, the most are those whose bewilderment consuming Him is greatest.

The soul's inclination towards affliction and suffering is a great mystical achievement on the Divine path. He says: “The Sufis desire fellowship with sickness and misfortune, keep company with anxiety and weakness for such things in their life lead to healing. He who does not reckon affliction as a grace is not one of the wise. The saintly virtue of affliction makes the devotee humble in the presence of God and is a sign of spiritual perfection.
The soul's inclination towards affliction and suffering is a great mystical achievement on the Divine path. He says: “The Sufis desire fellowship with sickness and misfortune, keep company with anxiety and weakness for such things in their life lead to healing. He who does not reckon affliction as a grace is not one of the wise. The saintly virtue of affliction makes the devotee humble in the presence of God and is a sign of spiritual perfection.

Someone asked: “What is the end of the gnostic?” He answered: “When he is as he was where he was before he was.”
Someone asked: “What is the end of the gnostic?” He answered: “When he is as he was where he was before he was.”

He divides mystical joumey into the stations of faith, fear, reverence, obedience, hope, love, suffering and union with God.
He divides mystical joumey into the stations of faith, fear, reverence, obedience, hope, love, suffering and union with God.

I prefer constant need of God mixed with unease, over constant felicity mixed with pride.
I prefer constant need of God mixed with unease, over constant felicity mixed with pride.

The Sufi’s love to God goes with God’s love towards him. Sufis are folk who have preferred God to everything, so that God has preferred them to everything.
The Sufi’s love to God goes with God’s love towards him. Sufis are folk who have preferred God to everything, so that God has preferred them to everything.

One, who is content, is saved from his contemporaries and prevails overall.
One, who is content, is saved from his contemporaries and prevails overall.

Servitude is that you be His slave every instant just as He is your Lord every instant.
Servitude is that you be His slave every instant just as He is your Lord every instant.

The key to worship is reflection. The sign of attainting the goal is opposing the self and passion, and this is abandoning their desires.
The key to worship is reflection. The sign of attainting the goal is opposing the self and passion, and this is abandoning their desires.

God gives his servant no source of strength more powerful for him than when He leads him to humiliate himself.
God gives his servant no source of strength more powerful for him than when He leads him to humiliate himself.

People remain on the path as long as fear does not withdraw from them, for if fear abandons them, they lose their way.
People remain on the path as long as fear does not withdraw from them, for if fear abandons them, they lose their way.

Patience is keeping away from transgressions and remaining content while imbibing the agony of afflictions and it is 'showing detachment when poverty assails one’s livelihood. Patience is seeking help from God.
Patience is keeping away from transgressions and remaining content while imbibing the agony of afflictions and it is 'showing detachment when poverty assails one’s livelihood. Patience is seeking help from God.

Someone asked: “Whom should I befriend?” He answered: “Him who would visit you when you are ill and who would return to you (in forgiveness) when you sins toward him.”
Someone asked: “Whom should I befriend?” He answered: “Him who would visit you when you are ill and who would return to you (in forgiveness) when you sins toward him.”

Knowledge of the Divine Attributes or Godhead is the most perfect knowledge since it is realized through the soul’s communion with God.
Knowledge of the Divine Attributes or Godhead is the most perfect knowledge since it is realized through the soul’s communion with God.

Divine Qualities are revealed in their heart through the process of negation. He says: “Whatever you imagine, God is the opposite of that.”
Divine Qualities are revealed in their heart through the process of negation. He says: “Whatever you imagine, God is the opposite of that.”

There are three signs of satisfaction; having no preference before divine decree, feeling no bitterness after the decree has been decided, and feeling stirrings of love in the very midst of trials.
There are three signs of satisfaction; having no preference before divine decree, feeling no bitterness after the decree has been decided, and feeling stirrings of love in the very midst of trials.
aaj ik aur baras biit gayā us ke baġhair
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