Sufi Quotes of Sultan Bahu

In the order to attain the highest goal of life one must nullify his own ego (selfhood). Since ego is an internal matter, ritual prayers cannot harness it. It is necessary to wage internal war against the nafs.
In the order to attain the highest goal of life one must nullify his own ego (selfhood). Since ego is an internal matter, ritual prayers cannot harness it. It is necessary to wage internal war against the nafs.

The worldlings are slave of mundane wealth and worldly attractions. But the world and worldly wealth are slave of auliya Allah.
The worldlings are slave of mundane wealth and worldly attractions. But the world and worldly wealth are slave of auliya Allah.

My spiritual Guide planted in my heart (name of Allah) jasmine plant which is being watered by iteration of Kalima ‘interdiction and affirmation’ (nafi-o-isbat) creating fragrance of His divinity in my entire body. Long live my preceptor who planted His Name in my inmost being.
My spiritual Guide planted in my heart (name of Allah) jasmine plant which is being watered by iteration of Kalima ‘interdiction and affirmation’ (nafi-o-isbat) creating fragrance of His divinity in my entire body. Long live my preceptor who planted His Name in my inmost being.

O Faqir! This body of yours is a temple of divine abode, you look into yourself. Don’t seek khidr to help you, since Water of Life is within you. You lit lamp of longing and yearning in your dark inmost being; you might find your lost richness (Light of the Reality). They died before death who attained secret of His divinity.
O Faqir! This body of yours is a temple of divine abode, you look into yourself. Don’t seek khidr to help you, since Water of Life is within you. You lit lamp of longing and yearning in your dark inmost being; you might find your lost richness (Light of the Reality). They died before death who attained secret of His divinity.

Saint treats the path of Shariah and never forsakes sunna. An ‘alim’ can be likened to a lamp and the saint to the sun.
Saint treats the path of Shariah and never forsakes sunna. An ‘alim’ can be likened to a lamp and the saint to the sun.

Faqr camprises three letter; Fay, Qaf and Ray. Fay means destruction of ego, Qaf means severity on ego, and Ray means satisfaction in the will of God. And also by Fay means pride, Qaf means nearness and Ray means mystery. These stations relate to the “poverty of the Prophet (PBUH).”
Faqr camprises three letter; Fay, Qaf and Ray. Fay means destruction of ego, Qaf means severity on ego, and Ray means satisfaction in the will of God. And also by Fay means pride, Qaf means nearness and Ray means mystery. These stations relate to the “poverty of the Prophet (PBUH).”

Greed and envy result in abasement and perdition.
Greed and envy result in abasement and perdition.

The exoteric scholars (ulama) learn exoteric knowledge and claim to be Mashaikh (spiritualists) by praying doubly. Their inner realm is being ransacked (plundered), but they don’t feel their loss. Remove soot from your heart; he who is God wary is blissful and ever green. Allah Most High is attainable only to those who hav’nt destroyed wealth of faith and love for the sake of worldly gain.
The exoteric scholars (ulama) learn exoteric knowledge and claim to be Mashaikh (spiritualists) by praying doubly. Their inner realm is being ransacked (plundered), but they don’t feel their loss. Remove soot from your heart; he who is God wary is blissful and ever green. Allah Most High is attainable only to those who hav’nt destroyed wealth of faith and love for the sake of worldly gain.

Generosity fulfils obligation of God. It also reveals what attachment the generous has with his wealth compared to the love of God.
Generosity fulfils obligation of God. It also reveals what attachment the generous has with his wealth compared to the love of God.

Heedless breath i,e., breathing without His glorification is entire infidelity the lesson given by our spiritual Guide. When we learnt this,.we become conscious of His remembrance all the times. We consigned our soul to the Lord and earned violent love of Him. We died before death and then achieved our goal.
Heedless breath i,e., breathing without His glorification is entire infidelity the lesson given by our spiritual Guide. When we learnt this,.we become conscious of His remembrance all the times. We consigned our soul to the Lord and earned violent love of Him. We died before death and then achieved our goal.

The religion of the gnostic is gnosis (marifat) of Allah and love of Him. A moment spent in forgetfulness i,e., without Zikr is equivalent to infidelity.
The religion of the gnostic is gnosis (marifat) of Allah and love of Him. A moment spent in forgetfulness i,e., without Zikr is equivalent to infidelity.

Knowledge without practice is like a sterile woman. Sultan Bahu likens nafs-e-amara to Yazid. One should rise above the level of animals and should try to realise spirituality inherent in him.
Knowledge without practice is like a sterile woman. Sultan Bahu likens nafs-e-amara to Yazid. One should rise above the level of animals and should try to realise spirituality inherent in him.

Four birds of the four carnal desires be sacrificed i.e. the cock of sensual appetite, crow of creed, peacock of decoration and pigeon of avarice.
Four birds of the four carnal desires be sacrificed i.e. the cock of sensual appetite, crow of creed, peacock of decoration and pigeon of avarice.

Spiritualists (fuqara) are driven by zeal and enthusiasm and are wrapped in love. Ulema on the-other hand are driven to research and reasoning. Fuqara are those who have gnosis of Allah and are blessed; Ulema and exoterists are the companions of nobles and kings.
Spiritualists (fuqara) are driven by zeal and enthusiasm and are wrapped in love. Ulema on the-other hand are driven to research and reasoning. Fuqara are those who have gnosis of Allah and are blessed; Ulema and exoterists are the companions of nobles and kings.

Faqr and gnosis are waves of the sea of Divine mercy. Generosity and benevolence are such traits which cause unitive life.
Faqr and gnosis are waves of the sea of Divine mercy. Generosity and benevolence are such traits which cause unitive life.

Preceptorship and discipleship (piri-mureedi) is not an easy commitment. It is a mysterious confidential relationship in the domain of divinity.
Preceptorship and discipleship (piri-mureedi) is not an easy commitment. It is a mysterious confidential relationship in the domain of divinity.

That person should not be called spiritual Guide who lacks esoteric power, does not look after his disciple all the time, does not prevent him from sinning, does not pray to the Holy Prophet in the moment of agony of death in order to pass this sensitive moment safe and sound.
That person should not be called spiritual Guide who lacks esoteric power, does not look after his disciple all the time, does not prevent him from sinning, does not pray to the Holy Prophet in the moment of agony of death in order to pass this sensitive moment safe and sound.
aaj ik aur baras biit gayā us ke baġhair
jis ke hote hue hote the zamāne mere