aan-ha ki muhit-e-fazl-o-adab shudand
āñ-hā ki muhīt-e-fazl-o-ādāb shudand
dar kashf-e-’ulūm sham’-e-as.hāb shudand
rah ziiñ shab-e-tārīk na-burdand barūñ
guftand fasāna-o-dar ḳhvāb shudand
The idol worshippers' temple and the Kaaba are places for submissive worship and the blowing of temple conch-shells is raising the song of Divine worship; the arches (of the Mosque), the Christian Church, the crucifix and the (Muslim) rosary, are all in truth places and symbols of submission (to God).
aan-ha ki muhit-e-fazl-o-adab shudand
dar kashf-e-’ulum sham’-e-ashab shudand
rah zin shab-e-tarik na-burdand barun
guftand fasana-o-dar KHwab shudand
The idol worshippers' temple and the Kaaba are places for submissive worship and the blowing of temple conch-shells is raising the song of Divine worship; the arches (of the Mosque), the Christian Church, the crucifix and the (Muslim) rosary, are all in truth places and symbols of submission (to God).
- Author : A.C. Bose
- Edition : First
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