andesha-e-tadbir-e-tu pae ast ba-sang
andesha-e-tadbīr-e-tū pāyast ba-sañg
dar besha-e-andesha nihāñ ast palañg
taqdīr-e-qavī badāñ-o-tadbīr-e-za’if
iiñ qūvat-o-zo'f rā mayandāz ba-jañg
Your quest for means is a stumbling block upon the path,
In the desert of thought lie leopards in ambush.
Regard Fate as powerful and your efforts feeble
And put not this weak power to fight against Fate.
andesha-e-tadbir-e-tu payast ba-sang
dar besha-e-andesha nihan ast palang
taqdir-e-qawi badan-o-tadbir-e-za’if
in quwat-o-zo'f ra mayandaz ba-jang
Your quest for means is a stumbling block upon the path,
In the desert of thought lie leopards in ambush.
Regard Fate as powerful and your efforts feeble
And put not this weak power to fight against Fate.
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