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az mardum-e-duniya duniya wahshat

Sarmad Kashani

az mardum-e-duniya duniya wahshat

Sarmad Kashani

MORE BYSarmad Kashani

    az mardum-e-duniyā duniyā vahshat

    har chand ba-gīrī na-kaf aarī rāhat

    hañgām-e-bahār-o-ham kHazānash dīdam

    dar bāġh-e-jahāñ niist gule juz ’ibrat

    Fear the world and the men of the world !

    The more you think of them, the less is your comfort,

    I have seen its spring as well as its autumn,

    There is lesson for you in every rose that blooms in world’s garden.

    az mardum-e-duniya duniya wahshat

    har chand ba-giri na-kaf aari rahat

    hangam-e-bahaar-o-ham kHazanash didam

    dar bagh-e-jahan nist gule juz ’ibrat

    Fear the world and the men of the world !

    The more you think of them, the less is your comfort,

    I have seen its spring as well as its autumn,

    There is lesson for you in every rose that blooms in world’s garden.


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