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baz tarjih nihadan-e-sher jehd ra bar tawakkul


baz tarjih nihadan-e-sher jehd ra bar tawakkul



    Interesting Fact

    English Translation: Reynold. A. Nicholson

    baaz tarjīh nihādan-e-sher jehd bar tavakkul

    How the lion pronounced exertion to be superior to trust in God.

    guft sher aare vale rabbul-'ibād

    nardabāne pesh-e-pā-e-mā nihād

    Yes, said the lion; but the Lord of His servants

    set a ladder before our feet.

    paaya paaya raft bāyad sū-e-bām

    hast jabrī būdan īñ-jā tama'-e-ḳhām

    Step by step must we climb towards the roof: to be

    a necessitarian here is (to indulge in) foolish hopes.

    pā-e-dārī chuuñ kunī ḳhud tu lañg

    dast-dārī chuuñ kunī pinhāñ tu chañg

    You have feet: why do you make yourself out to be lame? you have hands:

    why do you conceal the fingers (whereby you grasp)?

    ḳhvāja chuuñ bele ba-dast-e-banda daad

    be-zabāñ mā'lūm shud uu murād

    When the master put a spade in the slave's hand, his object was made

    known to him (the slave) without (a word falling from his) tongue.

    dast-e-ham-chūñ bel ishārat-hā-e-ūst

    ākHir andeshī 'ibārat-hā-e-ūst

    Hand and spade alike are His (God's) implicit signs; (our powers of)

    thinking upon the end are His explicit declarations.

    chuuñ ishārat-hāsh bar jaañ nehī

    dar vafā-e-āñ ishārat jaañ dehī

    When you take His signs to heart, you will devote

    your life to fulfilling that indication (of His will).

    pas ishārat-hā-e-asrārat dehad

    baar bar dārad za kārat dehad

    Then He will give you hints (for the understanding) of mysteries,

    He will remove the burden from you and give you (spiritual) authority.

    hāmilī mahmūl gardānad turā

    qābilī maqbūl gardānad turā

    Do you bear (His burden)? He will cause you to be borne (aloft).

    Do you receive (His commands)? He will cause you to be received (into His favour).

    qābil-e-amr-e-vai qābil shavī

    vasl juue baa'd az aañ vāsil shavī

    If you accept His command, you will become the spokesman (thereof);

    if you seek union (with Him), thereafter you will become united.

    sa'ī-e-shukr-e-ne'matash qudrat buvad

    jabr-e-tū inkār-e-āñ ne'amat buvad

    Freewill is the endeavour to thank (God) for His beneficence:

    your necessitarianism is the denial of that beneficence.

    shukr-e-qudrat qudratat afzūñ kunad

    jabr ne'amat az kafat bairūñ kunad

    Thanksgiving for the power (of acting freely) increases your power;

    necessitarianism takes the (Divine) gift (of freewill) out of your hand.

    jabr-e-tū ḳhuftan buvad dar rah ma-ḳhusb

    ba-bīnī aañ dar-o-dargah ma-ḳhusb

    Your necessitarianism is (like) sleeping on the road: do not sleep!

    Sleep not, until you see the gate and the threshold!

    haañ ma-ḳhusb ai jabrī-e-be-e'tibār

    juz ba-zer-e-āñ darakHt-e-mevah-dār

    Beware! do not sleep, O inconsiderate sluggard,

    save underneath that fruit-laden tree,

    ki shāḳh afshāñ kunad har lahza baad

    bar sar-e-kHufta ba-rezad nuql-o-zād

    So that every moment the wind may shake the boughs and shower

    upon the sleeper (spiritual) dessert and provision for the journey.

    jabr ḳhuftan dar mayān-e-rahzanāñ

    murġh-e-be-hañgām ke yābad amaañ

    (How absurd) to be a necessitarian and sleep amidst

    highwaymen! How should the untimely bird receive quarter?

    var ishārat-hās biinī zanī

    mard pndārī-o-chūñ biinī zanī

    And if you turn up your nose at His signs, you deem (yourself) a man,

    but when you consider (more deeply), you are (only) a woman.

    iiñ qadr 'aqle ki daarī gum shavad

    sar ki 'aql az vai ba-parrad dum shavad

    This measure of understanding which you possess is lost:

    a head from which the understanding flies away,

    zāñ-ki be-shukrī buvad shūm-o-shanār

    barad be-shukr dar kā'r-e-nār

    Because ingratitude is wickedness and disgrace

    and brings the ingrate to the bottom of Hell-fire.

    gar tavakkul kunī dar kaar kun

    kasb kun pas takiya bar jabbār kun

    If you are putting trust in God, put trust (in Him) as regards

    (your) work: sow (the seed), then rely upon the Almighty.

    baz tarjih nihadan-e-sher jehd ra bar tawakkul

    How the lion pronounced exertion to be superior to trust in God.

    guft sher aare wale rabbul-'ibaad

    nardabane pesh-e-pa-e-ma nihad

    Yes, said the lion; but the Lord of His servants

    set a ladder before our feet.

    paya paya raft bayad su-e-baam

    hast jabri budan in-ja tama'-e-KHam

    Step by step must we climb towards the roof: to be

    a necessitarian here is (to indulge in) foolish hopes.

    pa-e-dari chun kuni KHud ra tu lang

    dast-dari chun kuni pinhan tu chang

    You have feet: why do you make yourself out to be lame? you have hands:

    why do you conceal the fingers (whereby you grasp)?

    KHwaja chun bele ba-dast-e-banda dad

    be-zaban ma'lum shud u ra murad

    When the master put a spade in the slave's hand, his object was made

    known to him (the slave) without (a word falling from his) tongue.

    dast-e-ham-chun bel ishaarat-ha-e-ust

    aakHir andeshi 'ibarat-ha-e-ust

    Hand and spade alike are His (God's) implicit signs; (our powers of)

    thinking upon the end are His explicit declarations.

    chun ishaarat-hash ra bar jaan nehi

    dar wafa-e-an ishaarat jaan dehi

    When you take His signs to heart, you will devote

    your life to fulfilling that indication (of His will).

    pas ishaarat-ha-e-asrarat dehad

    bar bar darad za tu karat dehad

    Then He will give you hints (for the understanding) of mysteries,

    He will remove the burden from you and give you (spiritual) authority.

    hamili mahmul gardanad tura

    qabili maqbul gardanad tura

    Do you bear (His burden)? He will cause you to be borne (aloft).

    Do you receive (His commands)? He will cause you to be received (into His favour).

    qabil-e-amr-e-wai qabil shawi

    wasl jue ba'd az aan wasil shawi

    If you accept His command, you will become the spokesman (thereof);

    if you seek union (with Him), thereafter you will become united.

    sa'i-e-shukr-e-ne'matash qudrat buwad

    jabr-e-tu inkar-e-an ne'amat buwad

    Freewill is the endeavour to thank (God) for His beneficence:

    your necessitarianism is the denial of that beneficence.

    shukr-e-qudrat qudratat afzun kunad

    jabr ne'amat az kafat bairun kunad

    Thanksgiving for the power (of acting freely) increases your power;

    necessitarianism takes the (Divine) gift (of freewill) out of your hand.

    jabr-e-tu KHuftan buwad dar rah ma-KHusb

    ta ba-bini aan dar-o-dargah ma-KHusb

    Your necessitarianism is (like) sleeping on the road: do not sleep!

    Sleep not, until you see the gate and the threshold!

    han ma-KHusb ai jabri-e-be-e'tibar

    juz ba-zer-e-an darakHt-e-mewah-dar

    Beware! do not sleep, O inconsiderate sluggard,

    save underneath that fruit-laden tree,

    ta ki shaKH afshan kunad har lahza baad

    bar sar-e-kHufta ba-rezad nuql-o-zad

    So that every moment the wind may shake the boughs and shower

    upon the sleeper (spiritual) dessert and provision for the journey.

    jabr KHuftan dar mayan-e-rahzanan

    murgh-e-be-hangam ke yabad aman

    (How absurd) to be a necessitarian and sleep amidst

    highwaymen! How should the untimely bird receive quarter?

    war ishaarat-has ra bini zani

    mard pndari-o-chun bini zani

    And if you turn up your nose at His signs, you deem (yourself) a man,

    but when you consider (more deeply), you are (only) a woman.

    in qadr 'aqle ki dari gum shawad

    sar ki 'aql az wai ba-parrad dum shawad

    This measure of understanding which you possess is lost:

    a head from which the understanding flies away,

    zan-ki be-shukri buwad shum-o-shanar

    mi barad be-shukr ra dar ka'r-e-nar

    Because ingratitude is wickedness and disgrace

    and brings the ingrate to the bottom of Hell-fire.

    gar tawakkul mi kuni dar kar kun

    kasb kun pas takiya bar jabbar kun

    If you are putting trust in God, put trust (in Him) as regards

    (your) work: sow (the seed), then rely upon the Almighty.


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