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    Interesting Fact

    English Translation: Reynold. A. Nicholson


    Explanation of the envy of the vizier.

    aañ vazīrak az hasad būdash nazhād

    ba-bātil gosh-o-bīnī baad daad

    That petty vizier had his origin from envy,

    so that for vanity he gave to the wind (sacrificed) his ears and nose,

    bar ummīd-e-āñ-ki az nīsh-e-hasad

    zahr-e-ū dar jān-e-miskīnāñ rasad

    In the hope that by the sting of envy his venom

    might enter the souls of the poor (Christians).

    har kase az hasad biinī kanad

    ḳhveshtan be-gosh-o-be-bīnī kunad

    Any one who from envy mutilates his nose makes himself

    without ear and without nose (unable to apprehend spiritual things).

    biinī aañ bāshad ki uu bū-e-barad

    bū-e-ū jānib-e-kū-e-barad

    The nose is that which catches a scent, and which

    the scent leads towards an abode (of spiritual truth).

    har ki būyash niist be-bīnī buvad

    bū-e-āñ būyast kaañ diinī buvad

    Whoever hath no scent is without a nose;

    the scent (referred to) is that scent which is religious.

    chūñki bū-e-burd-o-shukr-e-āñ na-kard

    kufr-e-ne.amat āmd-o-be-nīsh ḳhurd

    When he has caught a scent and given no thanks for it,

    (that) ingratitude comes and devours his nose (deprives him of the organ of spiritual perception).

    shukr kun mar shākirāñ bande baash

    pesh-e-īshāñ murda sho pāyañda baash

    Give thanks (to God) and be a slave to those who give thanks:

    be in their presence (as one) dead, be steadfast.

    chuñ vazīr az rahzanī maaya ma-sāz

    ḳhalq bar mī-āvar az namāz

    Do not, like the vizier, make brigandage your stock-in-trade;

    do not turn the people away from the ritual prayer.

    nāseh-e-dīñ gashta aañ kāfir vazīr

    karda uu az makar dar lauzina sair

    The miscreant vizier had become (in appearance) a true religious counsellor,

    (but) he had craftily put garlic in the walnut cake.


    Explanation of the envy of the vizier.

    aan wazirak az hasad budash nazhad

    ta ba-baatil gosh-o-bini baad dad

    That petty vizier had his origin from envy,

    so that for vanity he gave to the wind (sacrificed) his ears and nose,

    bar ummid-e-an-ki az nish-e-hasad

    zahr-e-u dar jaan-e-miskinan rasad

    In the hope that by the sting of envy his venom

    might enter the souls of the poor (Christians).

    har kase ku az hasad bini kanad

    KHweshtan be-gosh-o-be-bini kunad

    Any one who from envy mutilates his nose makes himself

    without ear and without nose (unable to apprehend spiritual things).

    bini aan bashad ki u bu-e-barad

    bu-e-u ra jaanib-e-ku-e-barad

    The nose is that which catches a scent, and which

    the scent leads towards an abode (of spiritual truth).

    har ki buyash nist be-bini buwad

    bu-e-an buyast kan dini buwad

    Whoever hath no scent is without a nose;

    the scent (referred to) is that scent which is religious.

    chunki bu-e-burd-o-shukr-e-an na-kard

    kufr-e-neamat aamd-o-be-nish KHurd

    When he has caught a scent and given no thanks for it,

    (that) ingratitude comes and devours his nose (deprives him of the organ of spiritual perception).

    shukr kun mar shakiran ra bande bash

    pesh-e-ishan murda sho payanda bash

    Give thanks (to God) and be a slave to those who give thanks:

    be in their presence (as one) dead, be steadfast.

    chun wazir az rahzani maya ma-saz

    KHalq ra tu bar mi-awar az namaz

    Do not, like the vizier, make brigandage your stock-in-trade;

    do not turn the people away from the ritual prayer.

    naseh-e-din gashta aan kafir wazir

    karda u az makar dar lauzina sair

    The miscreant vizier had become (in appearance) a true religious counsellor,

    (but) he had craftily put garlic in the walnut cake.


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