valī 'ahad sākHtan-e-vazīr har yak amiir rā judā-judā
How the vizier appointed each one of the amírs separately as his successor.
vāñgahāne aañ amīrāñ rā ba-kHvāñd
yak-ba-yak tanhā ba-har yak harf raañd
And then he summoned those amírs one by
one and conversed with each (of them) alone.
guft har-yak rā ba-dīn-e-'īsvāi
nā.ib-e-haqq-o-kHalīfa man tuī
He said to each one, In the religion of Jesus
thou art the vicar of God and my khalífa (vicegerent),
vaañ amīrān-e-digar 'atbā'-e-tū
kard 'iisā jumla rā 'ashyā-e-tū
And those other amírs are thy followers:
Jesus hath made all of them thy assistants.
har amīre kū kashad gardan ba-gīr
yā ba-kush yā ḳhud hamī dārash asiir
Any amír who lifts his neck (in rebellion),
seize him and either kill him or hold him captive;
laik tā man zinda-am iiñ vā ma-go
tā na-mīram iiñ riyāsat rā ma-jo
But do not declare this whilst I am alive:
do not seek this supreme authority until I am dead.
tā na-mīram man tu iiñ paidā ma-kun
dā'vā-e-shāhī-o-istīlā ma-kun
Until I am dead, do not reveal this:
do not lay claim to sovereignty and dominion.
īñ-ki iiñ tūmār-o-ahkām-e-masīh
yak-ba-yak bar ḳhvāñ tu bar ummat fasīh
Here is this scroll and the ordinances of the Messiah:
recite them distinctly, one by one, to his people.
har amīre rā chunīñ guft uu judā
niist naa.ib juz tu dar dīn-e-ḳhudā
Thus he spoke to each amír separately, (saying),
There is no vicar in the religion of God except thee.
har yake rā kard uu yak-yak 'azīz
har che āñ-rā guft iiñ rā guft niiz
He honoured each, one by one, (in this way):
whatever he said to that (amír) he also said to this.
har yake rā uu yake tūmār daad
har yake zidd-e-digar buud al-murād
To each he gave one scroll: every
one was purposely the contrary of the other.
jumlagī tūmār-hā bud muḳhtalif
ham-chu shakl-e-harf-hā yā tā alif
The text of those scrolls was diverse;
all were (different), like the letters from alif to yá.
hukm-e-īñ tūmār zidd-e-hukm-e-āñ
pesh aziiñ kardem zidd-e-rā bayāñ
The rule (laid down) in this scroll was contrary to the rule in that:
we have already explained (the nature of) this contradiction.
wali 'ahad sakHtan-e-wazir har yak amir ra juda-juda
How the vizier appointed each one of the amírs separately as his successor.
wangahane aan amiran ra ba-kHwand
yak-ba-yak tanha ba-har yak harf rand
And then he summoned those amírs one by
one and conversed with each (of them) alone.
guft har-yak ra ba-din-e-'iswai
naib-e-haqq-o-kHalifa man tui
He said to each one, In the religion of Jesus
thou art the vicar of God and my khalífa (vicegerent),
wan amiran-e-digar 'atba'-e-tu
kard 'isa jumla ra 'ashya-e-tu
And those other amírs are thy followers:
Jesus hath made all of them thy assistants.
har amire ku kashad gardan ba-gir
ya ba-kush ya KHud hami darash asir
Any amír who lifts his neck (in rebellion),
seize him and either kill him or hold him captive;
laik ta man zinda-am in wa ma-go
ta na-miram in riyasat ra ma-jo
But do not declare this whilst I am alive:
do not seek this supreme authority until I am dead.
ta na-miram man tu in paida ma-kun
da'wa-e-shahi-o-istila ma-kun
Until I am dead, do not reveal this:
do not lay claim to sovereignty and dominion.
in-ki in tumar-o-ahkaam-e-masih
yak-ba-yak bar KHwan tu bar ummat fasih
Here is this scroll and the ordinances of the Messiah:
recite them distinctly, one by one, to his people.
har amire ra chunin guft u juda
nist naib juz tu dar din-e-KHuda
Thus he spoke to each amír separately, (saying),
There is no vicar in the religion of God except thee.
har yake ra kard u yak-yak 'aziz
har che aan-ra guft in ra guft niz
He honoured each, one by one, (in this way):
whatever he said to that (amír) he also said to this.
har yake ra u yake tumar dad
har yake zidd-e-digar bud al-murad
To each he gave one scroll: every
one was purposely the contrary of the other.
jumlagi tumar-ha bud muKHtalif
ham-chu shakl-e-harf-ha ya ta alif
The text of those scrolls was diverse;
all were (different), like the letters from alif to yá.
hukm-e-in tumar zidd-e-hukm-e-an
pesh azin kardem zidd-e-ra bayan
The rule (laid down) in this scroll was contrary to the rule in that:
we have already explained (the nature of) this contradiction.
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