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manzil-e-ishq az makane digarast

Ahmad Jam

manzil-e-ishq az makane digarast

Ahmad Jam

MORE BYAhmad Jam

    manzil-e-ishq az makāne dīgarast

    mard-e-ma.anī nishāne dīgarast

    The house of love is somewhere else

    The one walking on this path has a different identity.

    aql kai dānad ki iiñ ramz az kujāst

    kiiñ jamā.at nishāne dīgarast

    What does mind know about this secret?

    The symbol of this group is something else.

    aañ faqīrāne ki iiñ jaame ravand

    har-yake sāhib-qirāne dīgarast

    Those beggars who are leaving from here,

    Each one of them is the king of seven kingdoms.

    dil che mī-bandī darīñ faanī jahāñ

    kiiñ jahāñ ham jahāne dīgarast

    Why do you attach your heart to this world?

    Besides this world, there is another world.

    dar dil-e-miskīn-e-har-bechāra-e

    shaah ganje nihāne dīgarast

    In every sick and impoverished heart,

    There is another hidden treasury for the king.


    zer-e-har-dāre javāne dīgarast

    For those who embrace the madness of love,

    In the marketplace, beneath every gallows, there is a youth.


    har zamāñ az ġhaib jaane dīgarast

    By being slain by the dagger of love (those who were killed),

    They receive a new life from the unseen at every moment.

    dil ḳhurad zaḳhme ze diida ḳhuuñ chakad

    iiñ chunīñ zaḳhm az kamāne dīgarast

    The heart is wounded, blood is flowing from the eyes,

    Such a wound can only be inflicted by someone else's bow.

    ishq dar madrasa ta.alīm niist

    kaañ chunāñ ilm az bayāne dīgarast

    The education of love is not imparted in schools,

    No one else can teach this kind of knowledge.

    'ahmadā' gum na-kardī hosh-dār

    kiiñ jaras az kārvāne dīgarast

    Oh Ahmed! Stay vigilant so that you do not get misled,

    Because this bell belongs to another caravan.

    manzil-e-ishq az makane digarast

    mard-e-mani ra nishane digarast

    The house of love is somewhere else

    The one walking on this path has a different identity.

    aql kai danad ki in ramz az kujast

    kin jamaat ra nishane digarast

    What does mind know about this secret?

    The symbol of this group is something else.

    aan faqirane ki in jame rawand

    har-yake sahib-qirane digarast

    Those beggars who are leaving from here,

    Each one of them is the king of seven kingdoms.

    dil che mi-bandi darin fani jahan

    kin jahan ra hum jahane digarast

    Why do you attach your heart to this world?

    Besides this world, there is another world.

    dar dil-e-miskin-e-har-bechaara-e

    shah ra ganje nihane digarast

    In every sick and impoverished heart,

    There is another hidden treasury for the king.


    zer-e-har-dare jawane digarast

    For those who embrace the madness of love,

    In the marketplace, beneath every gallows, there is a youth.

    kushtagan-e-KHanjar-e-taslim ra

    har zaman az ghaib jaane digarast

    By being slain by the dagger of love (those who were killed),

    They receive a new life from the unseen at every moment.

    dil KHurad zaKHme ze dida KHun chakad

    in chunin zaKHm az kamane digarast

    The heart is wounded, blood is flowing from the eyes,

    Such a wound can only be inflicted by someone else's bow.

    ishq ra dar madrasa talim nist

    kan chunan ilm az bayane digarast

    The education of love is not imparted in schools,

    No one else can teach this kind of knowledge.

    'ahmada' ta gum na-kardi hosh-dar

    kin jaras az karwane digarast

    Oh Ahmed! Stay vigilant so that you do not get misled,

    Because this bell belongs to another caravan.

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    Source :
    • Book : Nagmat-e-Sima (Pg. 50)
    • Author : Seyyad Nurulhasan Maudoodi Sabri Fazl Rahmani
    • Publication : Seyyad Nurulhasan Maudoodi Sabri Fazl Rahmani (1935)
    • Book : Naghmatul Uns Fi Majalesil Quds (Pg. 153)
    • Author :Shah Helal Ahmad Qadri
    • Publication : Darul Esha'at Khanquah Mujeebia (2016)
    • Edition : First
    • Book : Diwan-e-Hazrat Ahmad Jam Zind Peel (Pg. 41)
    • Author : Shaikh Ahmad Jam
    • Publication : Matba Munshi Nawal Kishor

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