Sufi Quotes of Abu Ali Daqqaaq

Generosity is not rich giving to the poor. Generosity is the poor giving to the rich.
Generosity is not rich giving to the poor. Generosity is the poor giving to the rich.

When the sinner weeps, he has started the exchange of communication with God the Glorious and Majestic.
When the sinner weeps, he has started the exchange of communication with God the Glorious and Majestic.

Whoever refrains from speaking the truth is mute devil.
Whoever refrains from speaking the truth is mute devil.

The murid is made to bear and the Murad is borne.
The murid is made to bear and the Murad is borne.

Fear is that you leave off making excuse with ‘it might possibly be...’ and it will be.’.
Fear is that you leave off making excuse with ‘it might possibly be...’ and it will be.’.

Sincerity is guarding oneself from the opinions of men and truthfulness is cleansing oneself of awareness of self. The sincere one is not hypocritical, and the truthful one is not conceited.
Sincerity is guarding oneself from the opinions of men and truthfulness is cleansing oneself of awareness of self. The sincere one is not hypocritical, and the truthful one is not conceited.

Satisfaction (Rida) is not that you experience no trials; satisfaction is only that you object not to the Divine decree and judgement.
Satisfaction (Rida) is not that you experience no trials; satisfaction is only that you object not to the Divine decree and judgement.

The choicest thing that has been said on Sufism is “This path is fit only for those persons whose spirits God has used to sweep the dunghill.” One day Abu Ali said: If the dervish had nothing left but his spirit and he offered it to the dogs at this door, not one dog would pay it any attention.
The choicest thing that has been said on Sufism is “This path is fit only for those persons whose spirits God has used to sweep the dunghill.” One day Abu Ali said: If the dervish had nothing left but his spirit and he offered it to the dogs at this door, not one dog would pay it any attention.

Remembrance is the charter of sainthood. One who is granted success in remembrance is given the charter, and one who is deprived of remembrance is dismissed.
Remembrance is the charter of sainthood. One who is granted success in remembrance is given the charter, and one who is deprived of remembrance is dismissed.

The one full of sorrow travels along the path of God in one month, one deprived of sorrow cannot travel in years.
The one full of sorrow travels along the path of God in one month, one deprived of sorrow cannot travel in years.

Wear with mankind what they wear and eat what they eat. But be Separate from them inwardly.
Wear with mankind what they wear and eat what they eat. But be Separate from them inwardly.

Just as ‘lordship’ is an eternal quality of God, so is ‘servitude’ a quality of man that stays with him as long as he lives.
Just as ‘lordship’ is an eternal quality of God, so is ‘servitude’ a quality of man that stays with him as long as he lives.

Renunciation is that you leave the world the way it is, not saying, I will build in it ribat (hospice) or construct a mosque.
Renunciation is that you leave the world the way it is, not saying, I will build in it ribat (hospice) or construct a mosque.

Gnostic is drowned in the seas of inner reality. As one of the Sufis has said: “Gnosis is like the surging waves-they raise up and they set down.
Gnostic is drowned in the seas of inner reality. As one of the Sufis has said: “Gnosis is like the surging waves-they raise up and they set down.

God will beautify the inner faculties with contemplation for one who atoms his outer being with striving, as God says; “And those who strive in us, we will certainly guide them to our Paths,” (29:69)
God will beautify the inner faculties with contemplation for one who atoms his outer being with striving, as God says; “And those who strive in us, we will certainly guide them to our Paths,” (29:69)

One who associates with kings and displays unseemly manners will be consigned by his folly to be killed.
One who associates with kings and displays unseemly manners will be consigned by his folly to be killed.

The condition of patience is that you object not to what has been decreed, and as for letting trials become apparent, but without complaining, this does not negate patience.
The condition of patience is that you object not to what has been decreed, and as for letting trials become apparent, but without complaining, this does not negate patience.

One of the signs of gnosis (Marifat) is the attainment of awe. For one whose gnosis increases, awe of God increases. He also said: “Gnosis brings about utter tranquility to the heart, just as knowledge brings about peacefulness. So, for one whose gnosis increases, tranquility increases.”
One of the signs of gnosis (Marifat) is the attainment of awe. For one whose gnosis increases, awe of God increases. He also said: “Gnosis brings about utter tranquility to the heart, just as knowledge brings about peacefulness. So, for one whose gnosis increases, tranquility increases.”

There is nothing more noble than servitude, nor is there a more perfect title for the believer than ‘slave’.
There is nothing more noble than servitude, nor is there a more perfect title for the believer than ‘slave’.

Shame means abandoning all pretensions before God.
Shame means abandoning all pretensions before God.

He said that God instructed David: “If you encounter one who seeks Me, serve him.”
He said that God instructed David: “If you encounter one who seeks Me, serve him.”

Servitude (Ubudiyat) is more perfect than worship, so first comes worship, then servitude, and finally adoration.
Servitude (Ubudiyat) is more perfect than worship, so first comes worship, then servitude, and finally adoration.

Truthfulness is that you be with people just as you perceive yourself to be or that you perceive yourself to be just as you are.
Truthfulness is that you be with people just as you perceive yourself to be or that you perceive yourself to be just as you are.

Someone asked him: “Is remembrance or meditation better?” He retorted: “What do you say?” He answered: “In my opinion remembrance is better than meditation because God described Himself as making remembrance but not as meditating. Whatever is a characteristic of God is better than something that is peculiar to men.” Abu Ali approved this view.
Someone asked him: “Is remembrance or meditation better?” He retorted: “What do you say?” He answered: “In my opinion remembrance is better than meditation because God described Himself as making remembrance but not as meditating. Whatever is a characteristic of God is better than something that is peculiar to men.” Abu Ali approved this view.

The patient ones will achieve high rank in both worlds because they attain from God His company. God says: “Verily God is with the patience ones.”(2:153)
The patient ones will achieve high rank in both worlds because they attain from God His company. God says: “Verily God is with the patience ones.”(2:153)

Love is sweetness, but its inner reality is bewilderment. Passionate love is exceeding all limits in Mahabba.
Love is sweetness, but its inner reality is bewilderment. Passionate love is exceeding all limits in Mahabba.

Abandoning correct behavior results in expulsion. One who is ill-mannered in the courtyard will be sent back to the gate. One who is ill-mannered at the gate will be sent to watch over the animals.
Abandoning correct behavior results in expulsion. One who is ill-mannered in the courtyard will be sent back to the gate. One who is ill-mannered at the gate will be sent to watch over the animals.

Repentance is divided into three parts. The first is Tauba, the middle is Inaba (turn to God) and the last is Tauba (return).
Repentance is divided into three parts. The first is Tauba, the middle is Inaba (turn to God) and the last is Tauba (return).

The people question whether poverty or wealth is preferable, in my opinion it is best that a man be given enough to sustain him and then maintain himself within those limits.
The people question whether poverty or wealth is preferable, in my opinion it is best that a man be given enough to sustain him and then maintain himself within those limits.

There are three degrees of steadfastness: “Setting things upright (Taqwim) mankind things sound and ‘straight (iqama) and being upright (Istiqama). Taqwim concerns discipline of the soul; iqama, retirement of the heart; and Istiqama, bringing the inmost being near to God.
There are three degrees of steadfastness: “Setting things upright (Taqwim) mankind things sound and ‘straight (iqama) and being upright (Istiqama). Taqwim concerns discipline of the soul; iqama, retirement of the heart; and Istiqama, bringing the inmost being near to God.

One of the revealed books says: “O My servant, you have a right to My love, so it is My right that you love Me.
One of the revealed books says: “O My servant, you have a right to My love, so it is My right that you love Me.

Desire is painful rapture in the inner heart, sting in the hearts a violent passion in the intuitive senses, an anxious desire in the inward being, fires burning in the hearts,
Desire is painful rapture in the inner heart, sting in the hearts a violent passion in the intuitive senses, an anxious desire in the inward being, fires burning in the hearts,

aaj ik aur baras biit gayā us ke baġhair
jis ke hote hue hote the zamāne mere