Sufi Quotes of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani

Abdul Qadir al Jilani one morning was still asleep at the time for the Morning Prayer. A cat came over to his side and nudged him until he awoke. Noticing the lectures of the time, Abdul Qadir quickly made his prayers. When he had finished, he looked at the cat. With his spiritual insight, he saw that the cat was actually a devil. This puzzled the great saint. So saint asked - I can see you are a devil, but why on earth did you wake me for the prayer? The cat answered - because you have discovered me, I might as well tell you. I knew that if you missed your obligatory prayer, you would offer one hundred prayers as compensation, so I woke you up so that you would get only the benefits of the one.
Abdul Qadir al Jilani one morning was still asleep at the time for the Morning Prayer. A cat came over to his side and nudged him until he awoke. Noticing the lectures of the time, Abdul Qadir quickly made his prayers. When he had finished, he looked at the cat. With his spiritual insight, he saw that the cat was actually a devil. This puzzled the great saint. So saint asked - I can see you are a devil, but why on earth did you wake me for the prayer? The cat answered - because you have discovered me, I might as well tell you. I knew that if you missed your obligatory prayer, you would offer one hundred prayers as compensation, so I woke you up so that you would get only the benefits of the one.

God said, through the prophet - man is my secret and I am his secret. The inner knowledge of the spiritual essence is a secret of my secrets. Only I put this into the heart of my good servent, and none may know his state other than me.
God said, through the prophet - man is my secret and I am his secret. The inner knowledge of the spiritual essence is a secret of my secrets. Only I put this into the heart of my good servent, and none may know his state other than me.

First exhort yourself than to others.
First exhort yourself than to others.

Try that your left hand must not come to know of the alms your right hand gives.
Try that your left hand must not come to know of the alms your right hand gives.

Keep good intention before you, whether you talk or are silent. He who does not keep good intention before any action, his actions are invalid.
Keep good intention before you, whether you talk or are silent. He who does not keep good intention before any action, his actions are invalid.

Always fear God and don’t be afraid of anyone else. Commit all of your needs to Allah and beg everything of Him and trust in Him. Be steadfast on the Unity of God as there is consensus on this.
Always fear God and don’t be afraid of anyone else. Commit all of your needs to Allah and beg everything of Him and trust in Him. Be steadfast on the Unity of God as there is consensus on this.

If you desire true success, oppose your lower self in obedience to your Lord.
If you desire true success, oppose your lower self in obedience to your Lord.

Righteous is one whose words are based on truth and veracious is that who keeps truthfulness in view in his words, actions and states.
Righteous is one whose words are based on truth and veracious is that who keeps truthfulness in view in his words, actions and states.

He who desires Divine proximity must adopt sincerity.
He who desires Divine proximity must adopt sincerity.

Acknowledgement of the boons and bounties, given by the real Benefactor, from the core of the heart, is the expression of gratefulness in true sense.
Acknowledgement of the boons and bounties, given by the real Benefactor, from the core of the heart, is the expression of gratefulness in true sense.

Faqir is that whose richness owes none except Allah the Most High (i.e. He is not rich because of his worldly wealth or power, rather the cause of his richness must only be his mystical relation with the Causer).
Faqir is that whose richness owes none except Allah the Most High (i.e. He is not rich because of his worldly wealth or power, rather the cause of his richness must only be his mystical relation with the Causer).

Cleanse all others from your heart which is Locus of Allah, the Most High.
Cleanse all others from your heart which is Locus of Allah, the Most High.

Treat the worldlings with ego and self-respect but with the saints with humility and lowliness.
Treat the worldlings with ego and self-respect but with the saints with humility and lowliness.

How much ignorant is he who got busy in the cause forgetting the Causer; he forgot the Eternal and became happy with the perishable.
How much ignorant is he who got busy in the cause forgetting the Causer; he forgot the Eternal and became happy with the perishable.

Be sincere to the Lord at least for forty days; fountain of Divine knowledge and wisdom shall flow from the tongue ofy our heart.
Be sincere to the Lord at least for forty days; fountain of Divine knowledge and wisdom shall flow from the tongue ofy our heart.

Don’t be fearless about the worldly sea, many a man has drowned in it.
Don’t be fearless about the worldly sea, many a man has drowned in it.

He who acts in consonance with the knowledge, God bestows on him, such knowledge which he had not attained before.
He who acts in consonance with the knowledge, God bestows on him, such knowledge which he had not attained before.

The reality of spiritual poverty is that you don’t stand in need of a person like you and reality of the richness is that you obviate the need of a man like you.
The reality of spiritual poverty is that you don’t stand in need of a person like you and reality of the richness is that you obviate the need of a man like you.

To keep the worldly interest intact and its procurement with the sincerity of intention is permissible, but to give it space in the heart is forbidden.
To keep the worldly interest intact and its procurement with the sincerity of intention is permissible, but to give it space in the heart is forbidden.

The company of bad comrades will indulge you to misconception about the virtuous.
The company of bad comrades will indulge you to misconception about the virtuous.

How can you guide others when you are blind yourself, only man of spiritual insight can guide others.
How can you guide others when you are blind yourself, only man of spiritual insight can guide others.

He who desires salvation in this world and the next, must be patient and agreeable with the pre-destination and complain not the tribulation with the creatures.
He who desires salvation in this world and the next, must be patient and agreeable with the pre-destination and complain not the tribulation with the creatures.

Patient Faqir is superior to the grateful rich and the grateful faqir is superior to the both.
Patient Faqir is superior to the grateful rich and the grateful faqir is superior to the both.

Secrets and mysteries, afflictions and ajlments .and the concealment of alms are one of the treasures of pious acts.
Secrets and mysteries, afflictions and ajlments .and the concealment of alms are one of the treasures of pious acts.

To talk about the seed and cultivation is futile at the time when people are harvesting their crops.
To talk about the seed and cultivation is futile at the time when people are harvesting their crops.

When the man is afflicted he tries to come out of it by his own efforts: When fails he seeks help of the created beings. When he is disappointed from all sides then he recourses to Allah. At that time he is certain that only Almighty is the Master of every good and evil, profit and loss, life and death.
When the man is afflicted he tries to come out of it by his own efforts: When fails he seeks help of the created beings. When he is disappointed from all sides then he recourses to Allah. At that time he is certain that only Almighty is the Master of every good and evil, profit and loss, life and death.

He who got gnosis of Allah Most High, the world, the Hereafter. the all ‘otherness’ disappeared from his heart.
He who got gnosis of Allah Most High, the world, the Hereafter. the all ‘otherness’ disappeared from his heart.

He who got engrossed in devotion without knowledge, would be involved in perdition instead of improvement.
He who got engrossed in devotion without knowledge, would be involved in perdition instead of improvement.

The reality of truth is that you speak truth wherein you don't see deliverance without telling a lie.
The reality of truth is that you speak truth wherein you don't see deliverance without telling a lie.

Stick to patience if you want to become pious, trusting One and man of sound faith, since patience is the foundation of every virtue.
Stick to patience if you want to become pious, trusting One and man of sound faith, since patience is the foundation of every virtue.

Being patient, before Divine decree, sleep peacefully under the spout of destiny. When you are accustomed to it, Divine bounty and munificence shall be restored to you in a way you could never yearn or expect of it
Being patient, before Divine decree, sleep peacefully under the spout of destiny. When you are accustomed to it, Divine bounty and munificence shall be restored to you in a way you could never yearn or expect of it

Unlawful earning deadens the heart whereas lawful sustenance gives life to it.
Unlawful earning deadens the heart whereas lawful sustenance gives life to it.

The thing which instigates to hasty action is your avidity to amass worldly wealth.
The thing which instigates to hasty action is your avidity to amass worldly wealth.

Don’t be conceited at your deeds since their worth is based upon their ultimate end.
Don’t be conceited at your deeds since their worth is based upon their ultimate end.

Go to the savants with nice discipline avoiding criticism with the: intention to get benefit of the visit so that you are graced by their knowledge and auspiciousness.
Go to the savants with nice discipline avoiding criticism with the: intention to get benefit of the visit so that you are graced by their knowledge and auspiciousness.
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