Sufi Quotes of Abu Hafs Haddaad

This world is a house ever engaged in sinning against God.
This world is a house ever engaged in sinning against God.

Depend not on your devotions and spiritual exercises but His grace.
Depend not on your devotions and spiritual exercises but His grace.

Poverty (Faqr) is not complete for any one until he prefers giving over receiving. Generosity is not that the one with wealth gives to the one with nothing; it is that the one with noting gives to the one with wealth.
Poverty (Faqr) is not complete for any one until he prefers giving over receiving. Generosity is not that the one with wealth gives to the one with nothing; it is that the one with noting gives to the one with wealth.

Fear is God’s whip with which He chastises those who rebelliously abandon His threshold.
Fear is God’s whip with which He chastises those who rebelliously abandon His threshold.

Stick to the threshold of the Lord, that His doors be laid upon to thee.
Stick to the threshold of the Lord, that His doors be laid upon to thee.

Man has no part in repentance, because repentance is from God to Man, not from Man to God.
Man has no part in repentance, because repentance is from God to Man, not from Man to God.

The self is complete darkness. The lamp of the self is its secret. The light of this lamp is success (in striving). One who is not granted success (in striving) by his Lord, in his secret, he is darkness all of him. Here darkness means that the secret of the servant is what is between him and God Most High.
The self is complete darkness. The lamp of the self is its secret. The light of this lamp is success (in striving). One who is not granted success (in striving) by his Lord, in his secret, he is darkness all of him. Here darkness means that the secret of the servant is what is between him and God Most High.

Servitude is the beautiful adornment of the servant. Whoever abandons servitude is shut off from beauty.
Servitude is the beautiful adornment of the servant. Whoever abandons servitude is shut off from beauty.

Tasawwuf is wholly discipline. It means that the seeker has to subdue his worldly temptation in order to realize his inmost self.
Tasawwuf is wholly discipline. It means that the seeker has to subdue his worldly temptation in order to realize his inmost self.

For forty years I firmly believed of myself that God was looking upon me with wrath and my works proved that.
For forty years I firmly believed of myself that God was looking upon me with wrath and my works proved that.

Turn to God, as the poor beggar tums to the rich for alms.
Turn to God, as the poor beggar tums to the rich for alms.

He is blind who tries to recognize the Creator through His creation. Would that he sought and Recognized creation through the Creator.
He is blind who tries to recognize the Creator through His creation. Would that he sought and Recognized creation through the Creator.

Poverty is the handmaiden that leads one to the nearness God.
Poverty is the handmaiden that leads one to the nearness God.

When you sit instructing the people be a preacher to your heart and soul and do not allow their gathering around you to beguile you for, they are attentive to your external being, while God is attentive to your inner being.
When you sit instructing the people be a preacher to your heart and soul and do not allow their gathering around you to beguile you for, they are attentive to your external being, while God is attentive to your inner being.

aaj ik aur baras biit gayā us ke baġhair
jis ke hote hue hote the zamāne mere