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Malfoozat of Rumi
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 15 :-
Within people there is a longing and a desire such that, even if a hundred thousand worlds were theirs to own, still they would find no rest or comfort. They try every trade and craft, studying astronomy, medicine and every other subject, but they reach
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 1 :-
Rumi stated : Muhammad, the great Prophet, once said, “The worst of scholars are those who visit princes, and the best of princes are those who visit scholars. Wise is the prince who stands at the door of the poor, and wretched are the poor who stand
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 10 :-
The Amir said to Rumi: “Before you arrived just now, your eldest son, Baha al-Din, excused himself to me, saying, ‘My father said that he doesn’t want to put you to any trouble when you come to visit him. He says, “I am subject to various states of consciousness.
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 2 :-
Someone said : “Our Master does not utter a word.” Rumi answered: Well, it was the thought of me that brought you to my presence. This thought of me did not speak with you saying, “How are things with you?” The thought without words drew you here. If
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 7 :-
The son of the Amir entered. Rumi said : Your father is always occupied with God. His faith is overwhelming, and reveals itself in his words. One day your father said, “The people of Rum have urged me to give my daughter in marriage to the Tartars, so
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 27 :-
It is better not to question what Sufis say, since this obliges them to invent a lie. For if a materialist questions a Sufi, the Sufi must give some answer. But how can they be completely truthful with someone incapable of understanding? The materialist’s
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 42 :-
People who are interested in their scholarly studies think that if they faithfully attend our meetings they will forget and lose all they have learned. On the contrary, when they come here their sciences acquire soul. For all sciences, when they acquire
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 55 :-
Someone said: “Qazi Izzuddin sends his greetings, and always speaks of you in the most approving terms.” Rumi answered: Whoever remembers us, and speaks us well, Long may the world of their high merit tell. When people speak well of others, those
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 47 :-
God wills both good and evil, but only blesses the good. His Law both commands and prohibits, but commandment is only valid when it is opposed to natural desires. If someone says, “Hungry one, eat sweetness and sugar,” that is not commandment, but a
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 45 :-
Rumi asked : What is the name of that youth? Someone said: “Saifuddin (“Sword of the Faith”). Rumi said: No one can judge a sword while it is still in its scabbard. Truly, the Sword of the Faith is one who defends the way, dedicates their efforts wholly
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 6 :-
Rumi said: These words are for the sake of those who need words to understand. But as for those who understand without words, what use have they for speech? The heavens and earth are words to them, sent forth themselves from the Word of God. Whoever
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 20 :-
Rumi said: Night and day you are at war, attempting to reform the character of the opposite sex, to cleanse their impurity and to correct their faults. It is better to cleanse yourself through them than trying to cleanse them through yourself. Reform
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 4 :-
Someone said: “There is something I have forgotten.” Rumi replied: There is one thing in this world that must never be forgotten. If you were to forget all else, but did not forget that, then you would have no reason to worry. But if you performed and
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 5 :-
The Amir, surprised by an unexpected visit from Rumi, said: “Master, how gracious of you to honor me in this way. I never expected this. It never even entered my mind that I could be worthy of such an honor. By rights I should be standing night and day
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 40 :-
Jauhar, the Sultan’s servant, said, “We have been told that we must repeat the Muslim credo five times during our lifetime. What if we don’t understand the words, or do not memorize them correctly? After death, what questions will we be asked, seeing
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 65 :-
Those who are living in Hell are happier there than they would be in this world, for in Hell their awareness turns to God, while in this world they forget. Nothing is sweeter than the awareness of God. Therefore, their desire to return to this world
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 38 :-
The Prophet was seated with his Companions. Some unbelievers began to denounce and lecture him. He said, “Well, you all agree there is one person in the world who receives revelation. Revelation descends upon him—it does not descend on everyone. That
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 41 :-
We are like bowls on the surface of the water. The direction a bowl moves is controlled not by the bowl, but by the water. Someone said: “That is a general statement. But some people know they are on the surface of the water, while some do not know.” Rumi
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 26 :-
Rumi said: If I appear lacking in gratitude and appreciation for the kindness and support you show me, both directly and indirectly, it is not out of arrogance or indifference, nor is it because I don’t know the importance of returning your favor and
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 3 :-
The Amir said: “Night and day my heart and Soul are intent upon serving God, but because of my responsibilities with Mongol affairs I have no time for such service.” Rumi answered: Those works too are work done for God, since they are the means of providing
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 24 :-
People build these sacred monuments for a particular reason: either to display their generosity for the sake of fame, or to gain a reward in heaven. God should be the true object in honoring the saints, their tombs and graves. The saints do not need
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 44 :-
Everyone who sets out on a journey has a particular idea in mind: “Once I arrive I will be able to gain advantages and improve my affairs. My business will be set in order, my friends will be delighted, and I shall defeat my enemies.” Such are the ideas
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 8 :-
Someone asked: “What is greater than prayer?” Rumi said: One answer is that the soul of prayer is greater than prayer, as I have already explained. A second answer is that faith is greater. Prayer is a series of daily actions, while faith is continuous.
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 39 :-
Husam al-Din Arzanjani, before entering the service and society of dervishes, was a great debater. Wherever he went, he engaged vigorously in argument and controversy. He used to debate well and spoke excellently, but once he took up the company of dervishes
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 53 :-
Rumi was asked the meaning of the following lines from his Masnavi : You are that very thought, my brother: Those bones and nerves are something other. Rumi said: You should think about this. “That very thought” in reality is not “thought” at all,
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 62 :-
Some say that love is the cause of service, but this isn’t true. Rather, the Beloved’s desire is the true source of service. If the Beloved wishes the lover to help, then the lover provides that help. If the Beloved does not want it, then the lover gives
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 34 :-
Rumi said: I saw our friend in a dream in the form of a wild animal with the skin of a fox upon him. He was on a small balcony, looking down the stairs. I moved as if to grab him and he raised his hands, leaping about like this and that. Then I saw Jalaluddin
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 63 :-
Lovers have heartaches no cure can mend, neither sleeping, traveling, nor eating—only the sight of the beloved. “Meet the Friend and your sickness will end.” This is so true that even if a hypocrite sits in the company of believers, under their influence
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 9 :-
Someone said: “A man came who wanted to see you. He kept saying, ‘I wish I could have seen the Master.” Rumi said: He does not see the Master at this moment because in truth the desire that filled him, namely to see the Master, was a veil hiding the
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 28 :-
The long entreating prayer-song of seekers and travelers tells a story of lives occupied in labor and devotion with each effort assigned to its special time. It is as though an overseer of habit draws them to their specific task. For example, when first
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 14 :-
Sheikh Ibrahim said: “Whenever Saif-al-Din Farrukh ordered someone to be given a beating, he would immediately occupy himself until the beating was over, so that no one could intercede.” Rumi said: Whatever you see in this world corresponds exactly
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 21 :-
Rumi said: Sharif Paysukhta has written: God dispenses Its grace, Indifferent to time and space, Itself, the Spirit of the Whole Is independent of our soul. No matter what our ranging thought Within its compass may be brought, We find adoration
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 49 :-
Rumi said : A man was leading the prayers, and chanted from the Koran: “The Bedouins are stubborn in unbelief and hypocrisy.” By chance a Bedouin chieftain was present. He gave the chanter a good box on the ears. During the second genuflection, the
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 54 :-
Rumi said : When I first began composing poetry, a great urge compelled me. At that time the urge was strong. Now the desire has grown weaker and is declining, but still it has its effect. Such is the way of God. He gives life to things in the time of
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 60 :-
The Prophet says that Abu Bakr was superior to the other Companions, not due to his prayer and fasting, but because that special favor—the love of God—was with him. On the resurrection day, a person’s prayers will be placed in the balance along with
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 22 :-
Rumi said to Ibn Chavish : The root of the matter is that you should guard against this backbiting when talking about Sheikh Salahuddin. Perhaps this will remove these dark shadows and clouds that surround you. How can you defend yourself? People have
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 71 :-
The difference between birds on the wing, and lovers of God, is that birds always fly in a certain direction, while lovers of God fly on the wings of their desire away from all directions. Every horse has its stable, every beast its pen, every bird its
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 33 :-
Everyone is in the midst of their own need. No living creature can be separated from its need. “Their need cleaves to them closer Than their father and mother.” That need is their leash, drawing them this way and that, just like a nosering and chain.
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 18 :-
Someone said: “Ibn Muqri recites the Koran correctly.” Rumi said: Yes, he recites the form of the Koran correctly, but he has no knowledge of its meaning. This is proven by the fact that when he is questioned for its meaning, he cannot answer. He recites
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 69 :-
Between the human being and God are just two veils—health and wealth— all other veils come from these. Those who are healthy do not look for God and do not see Him, but as soon as pain afflicts them they cry out, “O God ! O God!” calling out and surrendering
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 51 :-
Rumi said : Until you see, how can you find? This is true for all but Lovers: For how can they seek the Beloved, Being blind, Until they have discovered? The human quest consists of seeking for what has not yet been found. Night and day people
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 56 :-
Rumi said: You are now experiencing happiness. Why? Because the mind is a delicate thing, and like a snare it was properly set to catch its prey. If you are unhappy, then that snare is torn and useless. Therefore, it is best not to be excessive in love
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 31 :-
The police are always in search of thieves to capture, and thieves are always running away. It is rare indeed to find a thief that searches for the police to be captured and thrown in jail. That’s not a natural desire for thieves. God said to Abu Yazid,
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 67 :-
“He created Adam in His likeness.” Everyone is seeking the manifestation of God. For example, there are many veiled women who uncover their faces to try the object of their desire, like you try a razor. There are lovers who say to their beloved, “I
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 19 :-
Rumi said : Someone said to Tajuddin Qubai, “These doctors of divinity live amongst us and deprive the people of their religious beliefs.” Tajuddin Qubai answered, “They do not live amongst us and take away our beliefs. God forbid they could ever be
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 23 :-
Rumi said : I would like to go to Tuqat, for that region is warm. Although Antalya is warm, only a few people there understand our language. However, I was speaking there one day when a party of unbelievers was present. In the middle of my talk they
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 11 :-
Rumi said : The saying, “Hearts bear witness to one another,” refers to a hidden reality. If all reality were openly revealed, what need would there be for words? Similarly, when the heart bears witness, what need is there for the testimony of the tongue? The
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 30 :-
There are heads that are adorned by crowns of gold, and there are heads whose beautiful curls are merely hidden by jewels and gold. The curls of our heart’s beloved arouse love, and love is the throne-room of the heart. But a crown is nothing but metal
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 37 :-
Rumi said : The stories that have been spread against this girl are lies and should go no further. But I can see that even though we may put aside these rumors as false, something has settled in the imagination. Our imagination and heart are like a vestibule—thoughts
Fihi Ma Fihi, Majlis No. 48 :-
When God loves people He afflicts them. If they endure with fortitude, He chooses them. If they are grateful, He elects them. Some men and women are grateful to God for His wrathfulness and some for His graciousness. Both are good, for gratitude is the
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