Persian Kalam18
Persian Sufi Poetry4
Sufi Story244
Sufi Quotes53
Sufi Quotes of Saadi Shirazi

Deep in the sea, there are riches beyond your imagination. But if you seek safety, that is at the shore.
Deep in the sea, there are riches beyond your imagination. But if you seek safety, that is at the shore.

Green wood can be bent. But once it becomes dry, it can only be straightened by fire.
Green wood can be bent. But once it becomes dry, it can only be straightened by fire.

If a gem falls into the mud, it will still remain valuable. And if the dust descends to heaven, it will still be of no value.
If a gem falls into the mud, it will still remain valuable. And if the dust descends to heaven, it will still be of no value.

The Alchemist dies in frustration and sorrow. And the fool finds a treasure in a ruin.
The Alchemist dies in frustration and sorrow. And the fool finds a treasure in a ruin.

Ten dervishes can sleep beneath one blanket. Two kings cannot rein in one kingdom.
Ten dervishes can sleep beneath one blanket. Two kings cannot rein in one kingdom.

A raindrop, dripping from a cloud. Ashamed when it saw the sea. ‘Who am I where is a sea’, it said. As it saw itself, from the eyes of humility A shell embraced him and makes him a pearl.
A raindrop, dripping from a cloud. Ashamed when it saw the sea. ‘Who am I where is a sea’, it said. As it saw itself, from the eyes of humility A shell embraced him and makes him a pearl.

No one throws stones at the barren tree.
No one throws stones at the barren tree.

One who gives advice to heedlessness is himself in need of advice.
One who gives advice to heedlessness is himself in need of advice.

Make no friendship with an elephant keeper. If you have no room to entertain an elephant.
Make no friendship with an elephant keeper. If you have no room to entertain an elephant.

A thief entered the house of a Sufi and found nothing there to steal. As he was leaving, the dervish, the dervish, sensing his disappointment, threw him the blanket on which he had been lying.
A thief entered the house of a Sufi and found nothing there to steal. As he was leaving, the dervish, the dervish, sensing his disappointment, threw him the blanket on which he had been lying.

Throughout the long night, a man wept. For the sick man beside him. At dawn the visitor was dead. And the was patient alive.
Throughout the long night, a man wept. For the sick man beside him. At dawn the visitor was dead. And the was patient alive.

One day in Baghdad the central Bazar caught on fire. Someone came to me and told me that my store had been spared in the fire. I replied - praise be to god. At that moment I became ashamed before people for selfishly seeking my own advantage, thirty years now I have been seeking God to forgive me for once saying that - praise be to god.
One day in Baghdad the central Bazar caught on fire. Someone came to me and told me that my store had been spared in the fire. I replied - praise be to god. At that moment I became ashamed before people for selfishly seeking my own advantage, thirty years now I have been seeking God to forgive me for once saying that - praise be to god.

A miser hoarded all his wealth and spent nothing on his family. But one day his son discovered the hiding place. He dug up all the gold and put a large stone in the place. The money he spent in riotous living. His father soon discovered his loss and was overcome with grief, but his son said cheerfully - gold is for spending father ! for hiding, stone is just as good.
A miser hoarded all his wealth and spent nothing on his family. But one day his son discovered the hiding place. He dug up all the gold and put a large stone in the place. The money he spent in riotous living. His father soon discovered his loss and was overcome with grief, but his son said cheerfully - gold is for spending father ! for hiding, stone is just as good.

A student said to his teacher, what am I to do? I am troubled by the people, many of whom make me visits. By their coming and going they encroach upon my precious time. The teacher replied - lend something to every one of them who is poor and ask something to everyone of them who is rich, and they will come round thee no more.
A student said to his teacher, what am I to do? I am troubled by the people, many of whom make me visits. By their coming and going they encroach upon my precious time. The teacher replied - lend something to every one of them who is poor and ask something to everyone of them who is rich, and they will come round thee no more.

If people injure you, grieve not, because neither peace nor grief come from the people. Be aware that the contrasts of friends and foes are from God. Although the arrow is shot from the bow, wise man look at the archer.
If people injure you, grieve not, because neither peace nor grief come from the people. Be aware that the contrasts of friends and foes are from God. Although the arrow is shot from the bow, wise man look at the archer.

An unjust king asked a devotee what king of worship is best. He replied, for thee, the best is to sleep one half of the day so as not to injure the people for a while.
An unjust king asked a devotee what king of worship is best. He replied, for thee, the best is to sleep one half of the day so as not to injure the people for a while.

Keep your belly empty of food so that you might attain light of gnosis (Marifat). You are void of wisdom on the ground that you are replete with food up to the nose.
Keep your belly empty of food so that you might attain light of gnosis (Marifat). You are void of wisdom on the ground that you are replete with food up to the nose.

I saw Shaikh Syed Abdul Qaadir Jilani in the holy Kaaba with his face on the pebbles and sayings: “O Lord! Pardon my sins and if I deserve punishment, cause me to arise blind on the Day of Resurrection that I might not be ashamed in the sight of the righteous.”
I saw Shaikh Syed Abdul Qaadir Jilani in the holy Kaaba with his face on the pebbles and sayings: “O Lord! Pardon my sins and if I deserve punishment, cause me to arise blind on the Day of Resurrection that I might not be ashamed in the sight of the righteous.”

I noticed an Arab of the desert sitting in a company of jewelers. He said - I had once lost my road in the desert and consumed all my food. I considered that I must perish when I suddenly caught sight of a bulging canvas bag. I shall never forget the joy and ecstasy I felt on thinking it might be parched grain nor the bitterness and despair when I discovered it to be full of pearls.
I noticed an Arab of the desert sitting in a company of jewelers. He said - I had once lost my road in the desert and consumed all my food. I considered that I must perish when I suddenly caught sight of a bulging canvas bag. I shall never forget the joy and ecstasy I felt on thinking it might be parched grain nor the bitterness and despair when I discovered it to be full of pearls.

If you desire God to condone your sinful acts, do good to the people whom God has created.
If you desire God to condone your sinful acts, do good to the people whom God has created.

An unjust king asked a devotee what king of worship is best. He replied, for thee, the best is to sleep one half of the day so as not to injure the people for as while.
An unjust king asked a devotee what king of worship is best. He replied, for thee, the best is to sleep one half of the day so as not to injure the people for as while.

Be not apprehensive of tangled affairs and keep not a broken heart, because the spring of life is in darkness.
Be not apprehensive of tangled affairs and keep not a broken heart, because the spring of life is in darkness.

The outward dress of gnostics is the patched frock. It is enough to display for the people. Strive to be good, may you wear anything you like. Abdication of sensual appetition, the world and greed are sanctity in true sense, not the abandonment of raiments.
The outward dress of gnostics is the patched frock. It is enough to display for the people. Strive to be good, may you wear anything you like. Abdication of sensual appetition, the world and greed are sanctity in true sense, not the abandonment of raiments.

The folk of God are those who excelled others in altruism: they are be like those who spend nights in prayers but their heart is dead.
The folk of God are those who excelled others in altruism: they are be like those who spend nights in prayers but their heart is dead.

No one is more unfortunate than an oppressor of men, because in the day of calamity no one is his friend.
No one is more unfortunate than an oppressor of men, because in the day of calamity no one is his friend.

You cannot become knower of God through your egoism. Honour is not based on one’s talks nor exaltation on self-conceit and claim. Humility will lead you to elevated rank. Stiff-necked ferocious falls headlong. Don’t seek renown if you desire exalted station. Don’t search mystic path from a lustful person and don’t hate others.
You cannot become knower of God through your egoism. Honour is not based on one’s talks nor exaltation on self-conceit and claim. Humility will lead you to elevated rank. Stiff-necked ferocious falls headlong. Don’t seek renown if you desire exalted station. Don’t search mystic path from a lustful person and don’t hate others.

Sinners repent of their transgression, Gnostics (Aarifeen) seck forgiveness for their worships. I ask not for the acceptance of my service, but for drawing the pen of pardon over my sins.
Sinners repent of their transgression, Gnostics (Aarifeen) seck forgiveness for their worships. I ask not for the acceptance of my service, but for drawing the pen of pardon over my sins.

Whom You (God) guide no one can lead him astray; whom You casts off, on one can guide him.
Whom You (God) guide no one can lead him astray; whom You casts off, on one can guide him.

That man earns nobility in both the worlds who treats the creatures of God with kindness.
That man earns nobility in both the worlds who treats the creatures of God with kindness.

A learned man, who is not abstinent resembles a torchbearer who guides others but does not guide himself.
A learned man, who is not abstinent resembles a torchbearer who guides others but does not guide himself.

It is best for the worshipper to seek forgiveness for his transgressions at the throne of God, although what is worthy of His dignity, no one is able to accomplish.
It is best for the worshipper to seek forgiveness for his transgressions at the throne of God, although what is worthy of His dignity, no one is able to accomplish.

The pretender sees no one but himself, because he has the veil of conceit in front. If he were endowed with a God-discerning eye. he would see that no one is weaker than himself.
The pretender sees no one but himself, because he has the veil of conceit in front. If he were endowed with a God-discerning eye. he would see that no one is weaker than himself.

He who lifts up his neck with false pretention, falls himself downward on his neck.
He who lifts up his neck with false pretention, falls himself downward on his neck.

The entire universe is replete with rapture of His audition and emotion. But what a blind can see in a mirror!
The entire universe is replete with rapture of His audition and emotion. But what a blind can see in a mirror!

You will not be able to obtain approbation of the sultan unless you seck the goodwill of his subjects.
You will not be able to obtain approbation of the sultan unless you seck the goodwill of his subjects.

Whatever you see, is engrossed in His recollection (Zikr). But their hymns is known to those who have spiritual perception. Not only nightingale sings His hymn, every bramble is immersed in extolling him.
Whatever you see, is engrossed in His recollection (Zikr). But their hymns is known to those who have spiritual perception. Not only nightingale sings His hymn, every bramble is immersed in extolling him.

O bountiful One! Who from thy invisible treasury supplies the Guebre (fire-worshipper) and the Christian with food. How could you deprive your friend while you have regard for your enemies?
O bountiful One! Who from thy invisible treasury supplies the Guebre (fire-worshipper) and the Christian with food. How could you deprive your friend while you have regard for your enemies?

Knowledge is for the cherishing of religion, not for amassing wealth. He who sold abstinence, knowledge and piety. he filled a granary and then burnt it away.
Knowledge is for the cherishing of religion, not for amassing wealth. He who sold abstinence, knowledge and piety. he filled a granary and then burnt it away.

The lovers of God hold Strange state. May they sustain wound or salve, it is equal to them. They are such people who hate worldly kingship: They are patient with their poverty in the quest of Him. They drink wine of grief, bear worldly trails, still they remain silent.
The lovers of God hold Strange state. May they sustain wound or salve, it is equal to them. They are such people who hate worldly kingship: They are patient with their poverty in the quest of Him. They drink wine of grief, bear worldly trails, still they remain silent.

As long as you can, scratch not the interior of anyone, because there are thorns on this road. Be helpful to the indigent. poor man because you too have affairs unresolved.
As long as you can, scratch not the interior of anyone, because there are thorns on this road. Be helpful to the indigent. poor man because you too have affairs unresolved.

Do you know why I covet to annihilate myself? If He exists, and I may not, is justified. I burn because He is my Beloved for His ardency too penetrates into the body.
Do you know why I covet to annihilate myself? If He exists, and I may not, is justified. I burn because He is my Beloved for His ardency too penetrates into the body.

If into a silver threshold golden nails are driven by a jew, think not that he will thereby become noble.
If into a silver threshold golden nails are driven by a jew, think not that he will thereby become noble.

The Friend is nearer to me than my self, but it is more strange that I am far from Him. What am I to do? To whom can it be said that He is in my arms, but I am exiled from him.
The Friend is nearer to me than my self, but it is more strange that I am far from Him. What am I to do? To whom can it be said that He is in my arms, but I am exiled from him.

Whoever sows seed of evil and expects good fruit, has cudgelled his brains for nought and held vain expectation. Extract the cotton from your ears and administer justice to your people.
Whoever sows seed of evil and expects good fruit, has cudgelled his brains for nought and held vain expectation. Extract the cotton from your ears and administer justice to your people.

I beg pardon for the deficiency of my service because I implore no reward for my obedience.
I beg pardon for the deficiency of my service because I implore no reward for my obedience.

To the friends of God, a dark night shines like the brilliant day. This felicity is not attained by strength of arm unless God the Giver bestows it.
To the friends of God, a dark night shines like the brilliant day. This felicity is not attained by strength of arm unless God the Giver bestows it.

A falsehood resulting in conciliation is better than a truth producing trouble.
A falsehood resulting in conciliation is better than a truth producing trouble.

Fate will not change by a thousand laments and sighs, by thanks or complaints, emanating from the mouth.
Fate will not change by a thousand laments and sighs, by thanks or complaints, emanating from the mouth.

Don’t you know how Saadi achieved his object in the world? He crossed neither a desert nor traversed a sea. He faced hardship of the elders in his childhood. God, in his adulthood, conferred on him piety and His own grace and radiance.
Don’t you know how Saadi achieved his object in the world? He crossed neither a desert nor traversed a sea. He faced hardship of the elders in his childhood. God, in his adulthood, conferred on him piety and His own grace and radiance.

The lucky radiant holy men achieved crown and glory by their divine wisdom. You don’t walk awry behind those who tread straight path. No place is more safe than the dominion of dervish in the universe,
The lucky radiant holy men achieved crown and glory by their divine wisdom. You don’t walk awry behind those who tread straight path. No place is more safe than the dominion of dervish in the universe,
aaj ik aur baras biit gayā us ke baġhair
jis ke hote hue hote the zamāne mere