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शैख़ रूज़बहान बक़ली

1128 - 1209 | शिराज़, ईरान

शैख़ रूज़बहान बक़ली

सूफ़ी उद्धरण 12

God gave me to drink wines from his presence. wines that I am unable to describe.

God gave me to drink wines from his presence. wines that I am unable to describe.

  • शेयर कीजिए

I saw in the hidden world, a world illuminated from a shinning light. I saw God in the clothing of Majesty, Beauty and Glory; he poured me a drink from the ocean of affection, and he honored me with the station of intimacy.

I saw in the hidden world, a world illuminated from a shinning light. I saw God in the clothing of Majesty, Beauty and Glory; he poured me a drink from the ocean of affection, and he honored me with the station of intimacy.

  • शेयर कीजिए

I swam in the primordial and ultimate oceans, in eternity and subsistence, and | discovered the unveiling of the Essence and Attributes which deaf stones and lofty mountains cannot endure.

I swam in the primordial and ultimate oceans, in eternity and subsistence, and | discovered the unveiling of the Essence and Attributes which deaf stones and lofty mountains cannot endure.

  • शेयर कीजिए

Knowledge of God is a (Marifat) is a process of unveiling in which the veils of created nature are successfully ripped away until the divine Essence stands revealed. Divine manifestation takes place through visual theophanies of the Attributes and Actions, and when God bestows these qualities on a human beings, this manifestation bestows on humanity a clothing with divinity.

Knowledge of God is a (Marifat) is a process of unveiling in which the veils of created nature are successfully ripped away until the divine Essence stands revealed. Divine manifestation takes place through visual theophanies of the Attributes and Actions, and when God bestows these qualities on a human beings, this manifestation bestows on humanity a clothing with divinity.

  • शेयर कीजिए

Unveiling is the mystical perception of the saint but not through abstract or philosophical knowledge, but it is a vision clothed in form especially human form. It is cognitive but apparitional revealing knowledge through divine light.

Unveiling is the mystical perception of the saint but not through abstract or philosophical knowledge, but it is a vision clothed in form especially human form. It is cognitive but apparitional revealing knowledge through divine light.

  • शेयर कीजिए

"शिराज़" के और शायर


