Showing search results for "shora e bhewandi volume 001 khaleequzzaman nusrat ebooks"
MOST RELEVANT MATCHES FOR "shora e bhewandi volume 001 khaleequzzaman nusrat ebooks"
Persian Kalam
az husn-e-maliih-e-kHud shore ba-jahaa.n kardiihar zaKHmii-e-bismil raa masruuf-e-fuGaa.n kardii
Akbar Warsi Meerthi
MORE MATCHES FOR "shora e bhewandi volume 001 khaleequzzaman nusrat ebooks"
Persian Kalam
dard-e-dil-e-aashiq raa iisaa na-kunad chaaradarmaa.n na-dehad saude saudaa-e-mohabbat raa
Hazeen Zaidpuri
Sufi Quotes
It is incumbent on a man to dive deep into the sea of love; if the wave of love lands him on the shore of favour, he had attained the highest achievement.
Imam Ghazali
Sufi Quotes
The gnostic, every time, is subject to different Divine visitations for the Reality is shoreless. It is such an ocean which has no shore and the heart of gnostic is such a sea which has no trace.
Abdul Quddoos Gangohi
shura tahi jaaniye laDe dhani ke het
shuuraa taahii jaaniye la.De dhanii ke hetpurjaa purjaa hoy pa.De tahuu.n na chhaa.De khet
Persian Kalam
taabish-e-ruu-e-munavvar se munavvar sehraanig.hat-e-zulf-e-mu.ambar se mu.ambar sehraa