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شیخ شہاب الدین سہروردی

1145 - 1234 | بغداد, عراق

سلسلۂ سہروردیہ کے مشہور بزرگ اور ’’عوارف المعارف‘‘ کے مصنف

سلسلۂ سہروردیہ کے مشہور بزرگ اور ’’عوارف المعارف‘‘ کے مصنف

شیخ شہاب الدین سہروردی

صوفی اقوال 14

Ilm (knowledge of God) is a light from the candle of prophecy in the heart of the faithful slave whereby he gaineth the path.

Ilm (knowledge of God) is a light from the candle of prophecy in the heart of the faithful slave whereby he gaineth the path.

  • شیئر کیجیے

Suhrawardi is the master of the philosophy of illumination. He says: “What is conceived metaphysically as existence (wujud) coincides with what is grasped in terms of root experience as Light (nur). In this context existence is light.

Suhrawardi is the master of the philosophy of illumination. He says: “What is conceived metaphysically as existence (wujud) coincides with what is grasped in terms of root experience as Light (nur). In this context existence is light.

  • شیئر کیجیے

The condition of the soul after death, depends upon the degree of illumination and purification it has reached during this life: life is a constant process of striving to attain that primordial (azli) light in its purity. The perfect state is granted only to the elect few, yet it should be everybody's goal.

The condition of the soul after death, depends upon the degree of illumination and purification it has reached during this life: life is a constant process of striving to attain that primordial (azli) light in its purity. The perfect state is granted only to the elect few, yet it should be everybody's goal.

  • شیئر کیجیے

The Essence of the First Absolute Light, God gives constant ' illumination, whereby it is manifested and it brings all things into existence, giving life to them by its rays.

The Essence of the First Absolute Light, God gives constant ' illumination, whereby it is manifested and it brings all things into existence, giving life to them by its rays.

  • شیئر کیجیے

The Supreme Light is the source of all existence, since the universe in all its planes of reality consists in nothing more than degrees of light and darkness.

The Supreme Light is the source of all existence, since the universe in all its planes of reality consists in nothing more than degrees of light and darkness.

  • شیئر کیجیے

کتاب 12

متعلقہ صوفی شعرا

