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بابا فرید

1173 - 1266 | کوٹھے وال, پاکستان

بارہویں صدی کے مبلغ اور صوفی بزرگ تھے، ان کو قرون وسطی کے سب سے ممتاز اور قابل احترام صوفیہ میں سے ایک کہا گیا ہے، ان کا مزار پاک پتن، پاکستان میں واقع ہے۔

بارہویں صدی کے مبلغ اور صوفی بزرگ تھے، ان کو قرون وسطی کے سب سے ممتاز اور قابل احترام صوفیہ میں سے ایک کہا گیا ہے، ان کا مزار پاک پتن، پاکستان میں واقع ہے۔

بابا فرید کے صوفی اقوال



Do not forget death at any place.

Do not forget death at any place.

If you want ease and comfort, do not be jealous.

If you want ease and comfort, do not be jealous.

Do not-lose your temper at the bitter words of the enemy and do not lose your shield by being overpowered with anger.

Do not-lose your temper at the bitter words of the enemy and do not lose your shield by being overpowered with anger.

Consider worldliness as an unforeseen calamity.

Consider worldliness as an unforeseen calamity.

Escaping from one’s self is (a means of) attainting to God.

Escaping from one’s self is (a means of) attainting to God.

While doing good to others, think that you are doing good to yourself.

While doing good to others, think that you are doing good to yourself.

Keep your internal self better than the external self.

Keep your internal self better than the external self.

If you do not want to be held in disgrace, do not beg for anything.

If you do not want to be held in disgrace, do not beg for anything.

Consider good health a blessing.

Consider good health a blessing.

Give up immediately the pursuit of a thing which your heart considers bad.

Give up immediately the pursuit of a thing which your heart considers bad.

Shaikh Farid did not want his disciple to waste their time in idle or loose talk. “One should work,” he told his disciple, “and should not loose himself in the talks of the people.” He approvingly quoted the remarks of Shaikh Jalal-u-din Tabrizi: “Many utterances lull the heart and make it indifferent (to the Divine message). Only that thing should be uttered which is for the Lord alone.

Shaikh Farid did not want his disciple to waste their time in idle or loose talk. “One should work,” he told his disciple, “and should not loose himself in the talks of the people.” He approvingly quoted the remarks of Shaikh Jalal-u-din Tabrizi: “Many utterances lull the heart and make it indifferent (to the Divine message). Only that thing should be uttered which is for the Lord alone.

Work in a way that may get (eternal) life after death.

Work in a way that may get (eternal) life after death.

The Prophet used to say that blessed is the man whose knowledge of his own faults and defects prevents him from disclosing the faults of others.

The Prophet used to say that blessed is the man whose knowledge of his own faults and defects prevents him from disclosing the faults of others.

Consider levity and anger as signs of weakness.

Consider levity and anger as signs of weakness.

Do not regard the ignorant as alive.

Do not regard the ignorant as alive.

Accept affliction as a present.

Accept affliction as a present.

Mystic music (Sama) moves the hearts of the listeners and breathes the fire of love in their hearts.

Mystic music (Sama) moves the hearts of the listeners and breathes the fire of love in their hearts.

Be critical of your own shortcomings.

Be critical of your own shortcomings.

When God visits you with some calamity, do not turn away from it.

When God visits you with some calamity, do not turn away from it.

Aspire for new (spiritual) attainments every day.

Aspire for new (spiritual) attainments every day.

Do not lower yourself in an attempt to secure a high position.

Do not lower yourself in an attempt to secure a high position.

Defeat your enemy by consulting him and captivate your friend by your politeness.

Defeat your enemy by consulting him and captivate your friend by your politeness.

Consider haughtiness necessary in dealing with the proud ones.

Consider haughtiness necessary in dealing with the proud ones.

Do not make your heart a plaything of the devil.

Do not make your heart a plaything of the devil.

Show generosity to the righteous man.

Show generosity to the righteous man.

Do not satisfy the demands of the physical self, for the more you satisfy it, the more it demands.

Do not satisfy the demands of the physical self, for the more you satisfy it, the more it demands.

Do not fight or quarrel in a manner which leaves no room for reconciliation.

Do not fight or quarrel in a manner which leaves no room for reconciliation.

If you want greatness associate with the downtrodden.

If you want greatness associate with the downtrodden.

Do not consider yourself safe from an enemy howsoever conciliatory he might be towards you.

Do not consider yourself safe from an enemy howsoever conciliatory he might be towards you.

aaj ik aur baras biit gayā us ke baġhair

jis ke hote hue hote the zamāne mere


Jashn-e-Rekhta | 8-9-10 December 2023 - Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium, Near India Gate - New Delhi
