दाता साहिब के सूफ़ी उद्धरण

Once Ibrahim Adham saw a stone on which was written - turn me over and read. On the other side, he read - you do not practice what you know, why then do you seek what you know not?
Once Ibrahim Adham saw a stone on which was written - turn me over and read. On the other side, he read - you do not practice what you know, why then do you seek what you know not?
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

Many shaikhs observe the following rule. When a novice joins them, they subject him to the spiritual discipline for three years. He can be admitted to the path only if he fulfills all the requirements of this discipline. The first year is devoted to the service of the people, the second year to the service of the god, and the third year to watching over his own heart.
Many shaikhs observe the following rule. When a novice joins them, they subject him to the spiritual discipline for three years. He can be admitted to the path only if he fulfills all the requirements of this discipline. The first year is devoted to the service of the people, the second year to the service of the god, and the third year to watching over his own heart.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

The term ‘Sufi’ has no derivation answering to etymological requirements inasmuch as Sufism is too exalted to have any genus from which it might be derived.
The term ‘Sufi’ has no derivation answering to etymological requirements inasmuch as Sufism is too exalted to have any genus from which it might be derived.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

God alone can help a man to-do good deed.
God alone can help a man to-do good deed.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

Unless God exerts Himself towards a man, that man’s exertion is of no use.
Unless God exerts Himself towards a man, that man’s exertion is of no use.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

Marriage is proper for those who prefer to associate with mankind, and celibacy is an ornament for those who seek retirement from mankind.
Marriage is proper for those who prefer to associate with mankind, and celibacy is an ornament for those who seek retirement from mankind.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

Dervish hood in all its meanings is a metaphorical poverty, and amidst all its subordinate aspects, there is a transcendent principle.
Dervish hood in all its meanings is a metaphorical poverty, and amidst all its subordinate aspects, there is a transcendent principle.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

This world is the abode of trouble, the pavilion of affliction, the den of sorrow, the house of parting, and the cradle of tribulation.
This world is the abode of trouble, the pavilion of affliction, the den of sorrow, the house of parting, and the cradle of tribulation.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

Formerly the practice of Sufism was known and the pretense unknown; nowadays the pretense is known, and the practice is unknown.
Formerly the practice of Sufism was known and the pretense unknown; nowadays the pretense is known, and the practice is unknown.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

The Sufi Sheikhs are physicians of men’s souls.
The Sufi Sheikhs are physicians of men’s souls.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

The lust of the eye is sight, that of the ear is hearing, that of the nose is smell, that of the tongue is speech, that of the palate is taste, that of the body is touch, and that of the mind is thought.
The lust of the eye is sight, that of the ear is hearing, that of the nose is smell, that of the tongue is speech, that of the palate is taste, that of the body is touch, and that of the mind is thought.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

Mu'jizat involve publicity; Karamaat secrecy.
Mu'jizat involve publicity; Karamaat secrecy.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

God had made the saints the Governors of the universe.
God had made the saints the Governors of the universe.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

Human nature is more prone to ignorance than to knowledge.
Human nature is more prone to ignorance than to knowledge.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

In the mystic path, he who says ‘I have arrived’ has gone astray.
In the mystic path, he who says ‘I have arrived’ has gone astray.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

Prayer requires purification of the body; gnosis requires purification of the heart.
Prayer requires purification of the body; gnosis requires purification of the heart.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

The glory of poverty is this, that the poor man’s body is divinely preserved from base and sinful acts, and his heart from evil and contaminating thoughts.
The glory of poverty is this, that the poor man’s body is divinely preserved from base and sinful acts, and his heart from evil and contaminating thoughts.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

Mortification stands in the same relation to contemplation as Divine blessing to obedience.
Mortification stands in the same relation to contemplation as Divine blessing to obedience.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

The true object of pilgrimage is not to visit the Kaaba, but to obtain contemplation of God.
The true object of pilgrimage is not to visit the Kaaba, but to obtain contemplation of God.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

Religion is the root and Sufism is the branch.
Religion is the root and Sufism is the branch.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

Lust is our shackle, and sin is our chain.
Lust is our shackle, and sin is our chain.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

Unless Divine protection is predestined to a man, he cannot abstain from anything by his own exertion.
Unless Divine protection is predestined to a man, he cannot abstain from anything by his own exertion.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

That which is transitory perishes and its renunciation becomes naught, but that which is everlasting cannot perish, hence its renunciation is also imperishable.
That which is transitory perishes and its renunciation becomes naught, but that which is everlasting cannot perish, hence its renunciation is also imperishable.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

Ignorant Sufis are the vilest creatures of God; just as wise Sufis are the noblest.
Ignorant Sufis are the vilest creatures of God; just as wise Sufis are the noblest.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

In our time the science of Sufism is desolate.
In our time the science of Sufism is desolate.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

Man, enamored of his gross environment, remains sunk is ignorance and apathy, making no attempt to cast off the veil that has fallen upon.
Man, enamored of his gross environment, remains sunk is ignorance and apathy, making no attempt to cast off the veil that has fallen upon.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

Divine guidance involves self-mortification without which contemplation is unattainable.
Divine guidance involves self-mortification without which contemplation is unattainable.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

Humanity is the greatest barrier that separates man from Divinity.
Humanity is the greatest barrier that separates man from Divinity.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

All humans action and inaction are the act and creation of God.
All humans action and inaction are the act and creation of God.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

The spiritual path is hard to travel except for those who were created for the purpose.
The spiritual path is hard to travel except for those who were created for the purpose.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

Saintship is a divine mystery which is revealed only through conduct.
Saintship is a divine mystery which is revealed only through conduct.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

Gnosis is realized when its true nature is divinely revealed.
Gnosis is realized when its true nature is divinely revealed.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

God had saints whom He has distinguished by His friendship.
God had saints whom He has distinguished by His friendship.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

When a man is satisfied with God’s decrees, it is a sign that God is satisfied with him.
When a man is satisfied with God’s decrees, it is a sign that God is satisfied with him.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

Gnosis when sought by effort, is a shackle and a veil.
Gnosis when sought by effort, is a shackle and a veil.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

God created the body and committed its life to the spirit, and he created the soul and committed its life to Himself.
God created the body and committed its life to the spirit, and he created the soul and committed its life to Himself.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

God has eternal attributes, which are peculiar to Him, and subsist through him.
God has eternal attributes, which are peculiar to Him, and subsist through him.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

Do not trouble yourself with destiny, for what is destined from eternity will not be changed by your efforts.
Do not trouble yourself with destiny, for what is destined from eternity will not be changed by your efforts.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

Knowledge is a Divine attribute and action is a human attribute.
Knowledge is a Divine attribute and action is a human attribute.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

God preserves His saints in all circumstances from the guiles of the Satan.
God preserves His saints in all circumstances from the guiles of the Satan.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

Water flows in the riverbed, but when it reaches the ocean, it Ceases to flow and changes its taste, so that those who desire water avoid it, but those who desire pearls dive into it.
Water flows in the riverbed, but when it reaches the ocean, it Ceases to flow and changes its taste, so that those who desire water avoid it, but those who desire pearls dive into it.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

Whoever bows his head with humility, like a servant, God will exalt his state in both worlds.
Whoever bows his head with humility, like a servant, God will exalt his state in both worlds.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

Our religion takes the middle course between free will and predestination.
Our religion takes the middle course between free will and predestination.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

The purpose of mortifying the lower soul is to destroy its attributes, not to annihilate its reality.
The purpose of mortifying the lower soul is to destroy its attributes, not to annihilate its reality.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

When a man sees God’s choice and abandons his own choice, he is delivered from all sorrow.
When a man sees God’s choice and abandons his own choice, he is delivered from all sorrow.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

Covetousness renders the dervish ignominious in both worlds.
Covetousness renders the dervish ignominious in both worlds.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

Unification is a mystery revealed by God to His servants, and it cannot be expressed in words.
Unification is a mystery revealed by God to His servants, and it cannot be expressed in words.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

God has caused the prophetic evidence to remain down to the present day and has made the saints the means whereby it is manifested.
God has caused the prophetic evidence to remain down to the present day and has made the saints the means whereby it is manifested.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया

The universe is an abode of Divine mysteries, which are deposited in created things.
The universe is an abode of Divine mysteries, which are deposited in created things.
शेयर कीजिए
- सुझाव
- प्रतिक्रिया
aaj ik aur baras biit gayā us ke baġhair
jis ke hote hue hote the zamāne mere