Showing search results for "shora e badaun darbar e rasool mein yani tazkira e nat goyan e badyun shams badayuni ebooks"
MOST RELEVANT MATCHES FOR "shora e badaun darbar e rasool mein yani tazkira e nat goyan e badyun shams badayuni ebooks"
ai rashk-e-qamar aage tire shams-o-qamar kyaasau jaa.n se fidaa huu.n mai.n ye hai jaan-o-jigar kyaa
Mardan Safi
Persian Kalam
anvaar-e-jamaal-e-tust dar diida-e-har-momindastaar-e-jalaal-e-tust dar siina-e-har-kaafir
Shams Maghribi
vaalii-e-manzuur-e-vaalaa jaah-e-maulaa-e-jahaa.nai valii-e-ibn-e-valii shaah-e-vilaayat assalaam
Abdul Majid Badayuni
Persian Kalam
bar safha-e-ruKHsaar-e-har-maah-e-parii-ruu.eharfe do seh az daftar-e-husnat shuda maktuub
Shams Maghribi
MORE MATCHES FOR "shora e badaun darbar e rasool mein yani tazkira e nat goyan e badyun shams badayuni ebooks"
Persian Kalam
har-lahza ruKHat daad jamaal-e-ruKH-e-KHud raabar diida-e-KHud jalva ba-sad kisvat-e-zebaa
Shams Maghribi
Sufi Quotes
Shams desires to find the companionship of a true saint: “I implored God to allow me to mix with and be a companion with his friends (saints, auliya). I had a dream and was told, “We will make you a companion of a saint.” I asked, “Where is the saint?” The next night I was told in a dream, “He is in Anatolia (Rum).” After some while I had another dream and was told, “It’s not yet time. All things come in the fullness of time.”
Shams desires to find the companionship of a true saint: “I implored God to allow me
Shams Tabrez
Allama Iqbal
Persian Sufi Poetry
'shams' tabrezii tu.ii Gavvaas-e-bahr-e-maa'rifatsad hazaaraa.n gauhar aamad bar lab-e-dariyaa-e-man
Sufi Quotes
Shams claims for himself the status of a Owaysi Sufi, one whose spiritual illumination comes not though a teacher, but directly from God: “Everyone talks of his own Shaikh. In a dream the Prophet, (PBUH) gave me a ceremonial cloak (khirqa), not the kind that will wear out and rip after a few days and fall in the bath house and be washed of dirt, but a cloak of converse (sohbat), not a converse that can be comprehended, but a converse that is not of yesterday, today or tomorrow.
Shams claims for himself the status of a Owaysi Sufi, one whose spiritual illumination comes not
Shams Tabrez
Persian Sufi Poetry
Ghulam Rasool Naaib
Persian Sufi Poetry
'shams' tabrezii ba-gosh-e-jaa.n shuniida laa-takHafdar havaa-e-hubb-e-ii.n iqraar be-inkaar mast
rahmato.n vaale nabii kHair-ul-varaa kaa tazkirakiijiye har vaqt mahbuub-e-KHudaa kaa tazkira
Abdul Sattar Niazi
Persian Kalam
niist parvaayam za shiiraan-e-jahaa.nman sag-e-kuu-e-tuu hastam al-Giyaas